• Quote:
    psy·cho·path (sk-pth)n.

    A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse

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    The Mag Aoidh's were a kind family; there history was long and adventurous, there were no alchoholics, Suicides, drug addicts, or anything like that- let alone disorders... They origionated in Dublin Ireland as poor farmers, in 1939 Miss Darcy Mac Lochlainn was shipped off to America on the ó Mordha, she was eight months pregnat with her first child, the father a low life drunk left the first month of her pregnacy(It turned out he took a bullet to the head two years later.)
    After arriving to America Darcy worked as a maid for a man named Áine Mag Aoidh- he seemed mild-mannered, kind, and quiet. He always had his head in a book and never spoke out of term. A month after on a quiet summer evening her first son was born into the world. A fair haired boy with large deep oak eyes, a curved nose, and large cheeks that enloped on his neck (which was hard to notice.) It took Darcy an hour to come up with the most perfect name. A name that had been passed down generation to generation... Patrick, his middle name doe for his gentle figure.

    After four years working, and living amongst Áine who was ultimately a father figure to our young patrick, he felt utterly responsible for the caretaking of Miss Darcy and her young b*****d and after months of descussion Darcy agreed to Wed Mag Aoidh. It was a suttle, sweet wedding;

    (Will continue. please comment on what you think so far!!)