• this is a preview to a book i wrote i named Rogue.

    Hello, my name is Jeremy i have lived for 115 years and life seems to darken everyday. Me and ten others were blessed with powers to protect the earth. We protect it but it always falls back into immortal peril. The ten others are each going out with one and another, like my brother Jack and his girlfriend Julia. Jack has the power to munipulate soundwaves, with a raise of his hand he could knock over a building. And his girlfriend Julia controls all the electric shockwaves on the earth, she could electricute everbody on earth at once. These two are the popular couple neither play sports at our school but always are popular. We stay seniors every year we have a enchantment on the shool that when people graduate they forget us and so does anyone who works at the high school. The athletic couple in the group is Ashton and Mitchy, Ashton is the average strong suprehero and Mitchy can teleport, and see the future and is a mixed marshall arts master. They are the athletic couple of the school Ashton plays football every year and Mitchy plays softball every year. The school never remembers them but yet they have taken the teams to championships every year for the past 114 years. The loving couple would be Henry and Loretta, Henry contols the hate on earth he is powered by it without him the earth would be full of hate and no one would be able to love. Loretta his girlfriend ironically controls the love of the earth without her channeling it there would be nothing done on earth cause everyone would love everyone and everything would be right like robbing and murdering. These two are who everyone in the school wants to be. The next couple is Isabella and Mike, Isabella can stretch as far as she wants or needs also she can walk through all matter on earth or in the universe. Mike can morph into anything and morph into all of us and have our powers also he can morph into animals or monsters he has seen pistures of. These are just the couple with problems but in the end they always love eachother. The last couple is Nolan and Crystal these two love eachother and cannot ever be apart, sometimes it get quite annoying. Nolan controls the power of the earths core and the sun he can blast you and kill you in a heart beat if anyone got a hold of his power and used it for evil we would all die. Crystal controls the layer of crystalite that surrounds the earth core, if this did not surround the earths core we would all melt to death, but crystal regenerates itself so she can use as much as she needs. I am the last one to introduce i am the smartest man on earth i control things with my mind, i could shift the earth if i wanted too but i have only done that once for an expierment. In the year 2009 i found love of a red headed, blue eyed girl who seems to be the closest thing to perfection i have seen in 114 years. She is not beautiful nor gorgeous but she was truely amazing with all of her physical qaulities. Theres one problem though this villan mind control aims to destroy all humans and create a superior race of superpowered humans. There are supers in every country we are for America. He has tried to get us to fall in love with only supers and he finds out that i have fallen in love with a human and he is furious him and his children of pure supers attack america and say " that this country is spoiled and now must be destroyed with all its contents.".So as we fight for America i try to keep this lovely goddes named Sara safe from him who espeically wants to kill her. The only problem is he can control minds but im superior to him he cannot control mine or my friends because with my powers i have locked theres an mine up, but i could do it with Sara but she might die because she is a human but i do not have any choice.