• I run to him. For one minute he is mine and mine alone. There is no war, no resistance, no gundams. For a minute we are a normal couple, embracing. We kiss and he pulls away, still not comfortable with affection. I smile but let him. He has a mission. I have to let him go. It’s hard. I watch as the minute passes and once again we are fighting machines, owned by the world that hates us. I smile as he climbs into Wing and lifts of. His mind in no longer on me, it is on the mission and I’m sure it bothers me but I can’t let it. I have a job to do and so does he. I let go. I walk back into the cramp safehouse, grinning like a maniac. For one minute I was normal. But now that minute is passed.

    Maybe I’ll get another minute when he comes back.