• The door seemed to rattle in its frame as she wrapped herself in her oversized cotton robe on the couch. It sounded like someone threw large rocks at her house as it contenuied to hail.
    "Probably just the wind," she muttered and looked out the large window. She could've sworn she saw something shady looking at her.
    The front door burst open and the storm rained in. She used her arm in defense against the hail as she marched to shut the door. She slammed the door shut and locked it. She turned to go back to the couch when lightning illuminated the room showing wet footprints.
    She stiffled a shriek as she dashed to her room, locking the door behind her. She sat hudled on her bed and started to wail. Once again lightning illuminated the room again and she glimpsed at the mirror.
    You shouldn't of entered your own room.
    Nobody is safe with me around.
    She stared at the mirror and the dripping red substance that made up the words.
    Somethind in all black except for the pale white face under white hair stepped out of her closet. It dripped water as it snatched for her. She yowled in pain as it managed to take a hunk of flesh from her arm.
    "So easy. To catch one like you," he smiled showing two rows of yellow fangs.
    "Please no! Of all people, why did you choose me?" she screeched and smacked his hand away.
    "It was just a perfect night for a murder. You see I can't survive without stealing a fair maiden's heart," he paused for a moment as if to add drama, "I'm like a...like an advance vampire. The rewards are greater than a vampire's, but the cost is more than just blood. Say goodnight Leah," he laughed as it plunged its hand into her chest. She lost the ability to breath and stared without an expression into space. She smiled faintly because the pain ceased and slowly all the color and warmth drained from her body. She felt the blood trickling down her chest before everything seemed to fade away. "Thanks for the heart sweetheart," it said as it ripped out a heart that still beated. He dropped the organ into his mouth and swallowed.
    "Who's next?" it asked itself as it walked out of the house and into the storm...