• Charlotte and I darted inside, locking all the doors in sight. Todd gripped my hand tightly. "Go, Beth! Todd, take her to the hillside. There's a cave near there. You should be safe there until we come and get you. We should be back in fifteen minutes. Go now!" Stefan said shoving us to the door. Whoosh! The door flung open. "Wheres the new one!?" A woman's loud voice boomed through the room. "Belladonna. Please don't scare the new people." A man said walking through the door. "Hello, Gabrial. Nice to see you again." Charlotte said to him. "Ah, and it's a pleasure to see you, Charlotte." Gabrial said, kissing Charlotte's hand. "Where's Liam?" Stefan asked Belladonna. "He's at Demetri's castle." Belladonna said, her eyes looming on me. "Demetri's castle is far off north. What is he doing there?" Charlotte asked curiously. "Demetri is angry with him and is keeping him locked up unti he can control his vampiral behaviors." Gabrial said, shaking his head. "Of course." Stefan muttered. "Is this your new one?" Gabrial asked, walking toward me. "Yes. Don't tell Liam until we find a right time to figure out what she can do." Charlotte said. Gabrial looked into my eyes. You are very beautiful and I'm sure we can use you in our coven. I heard in my head. It was Gabrial's voice. "How did you do that?" I asked him. "It's a thing I can do." He said, smiling a dazzling smile at me. I turned red. "Well, that's all...I guess. Come on Bella Dee." Gabrial said turning toward the door. "Goodbye." I mumbled. Think about it. He thought in my head. I don't know. I like my friends. I thought. Your loss. Gabrial thought. Charlotte looked at me for a second then her eyes glanced at the back room. "We don't have to worry about Beth being hurt by Liam now, or Todd." Stefan said. I laughed nervously. Liam would have hurt me? I thought.