The Journey Star (Page 1)
*authors note: Writing is not my strong point. Im not that well and I have to use books I read as templates on how I structure my pages. As for the storyline, this was made up on the spot, so there are things I do leave out and may try to explain later on. So sorry about that*
tab Amongst the endless sea of space, drifting in the never-ending darkness, exists a traveling star. It rides on the unseen waves of the universe as it makes its way to nowhere. Small and insignificant compared to its brothers in the vast black ocean, it wanders aimlessly, always seeking a place it may one day rest.
tab Time and distance are nothing to this start, for they are infinite and this is all it has ever known. Where it was born and why do not matter to it. It only travels the universe, carrying its passengers through the shadows of its larger brothers.
tab Passengers you may ask? What passengers could be on a roving star? Why some of the most curious of folk live on this roving star. Not a one is native, that is known. The passengers are of those who saw this floating star in space and decided to venture upon its surface. From different races, species, and stars they did come. Despite this, they were all equal and unified. Languages and cultures melded so that over time, a single culture existed. As more passengers joined, the more the cultures changed and moved, just as the star itself moved.
tab The small star did not care much for these passengers. Who they where or where they came from were of little concern. It did not care much at all about anything, because it was a star and we all know that stars don't have much in the way of 'feelings'.
tab It did have a name however. It could not name itself, so its inhabitants decided to give it a name befitting a star of its stature. They called it Journey, the traveling world.
tab However, this star isn't even the main character of this story. No, it is only the setting of our story. It would be best if the story began soon, so the planet will know move closer so we may see what lies upon its surface.
Chapter 1) The Easy Life?
tab Liccol Village was a lively place of sorts. Not far from Mount Igmarus, the highest point on Journey, the town received plenty of rainfall from the clouds that failed to make it over the mountains peak. This in turn gave the farmers enough water to grow they're crops and make a nice living as well. This made Liccol the main supplier of the food grown on Journey. It was also the second largest village due to the large amount of traffic it recieved.
tab Even with all this prosperity, some farmers where having hard times. A strange bacteria had begun to emerge within the past two rain seasons and had started to spread amongst the crops. The bacteria formed on the roots of the crops and was filtering most of the nutrients out of the soil before the plants could absorb them. This left many fields of crops with dead plants and grain.
tab On this sunny day, one such bad luck farmer and his son headed out to their fields to take a look at the damage for the day. The father was a well built man who stood several feet tall. His hair was brown and was trimmed down to the roots and his face bore several scars. He carried a basket under his arm as he headed towards the field.
tab The son was almost the exact opposite. A short, skinny ruffian of sixteen, he was shadowed by his father. His long black hair hung into his eyes. His shirt was worn down and his jeans were wripped at the knees. His face showed that of utmost boredom. He would rather be running around town than be at the farm.
tab "Well Reede, if I hate to say it, but it looks like its starting to spread to the Boju's as well", the father spoke as he plucked a small, turnip shaped plant out of the soil. "If this keeps up half the crops will be infected before the cold comes in."
tab Reede looked over at his father. He couldn't see how such a burly man like his father could ever be fascinated with farming. This man was once called Yan "Hammer-Jack" Jackson, the strongest fighter in Journeymen Militia.
tab Back when the first invaders landed on Journey seeking to claim it as their own, Reede's father and several other members from the villages rose up to fend them off. Even though the invaders numbers where greater, the Journeymen managed to push back the invaders and soon they left. After that his father became one of the most feared Journeymen.
tab Reede walked over and looked at the roots of the Boju. As like most of the other crops, pink spots had appeared on the roots. The Boju looked dead and dry.
tab "Well, there's nothing we can do about it pop. Until the Scribes can determine how to counteract it, its just going to keep spreading"
tab Yan turned towards his son.
tab "You are always running off and leaving the farm to me and your mother. You don't understand what we go through each day to make a living," Yan wiped his brown and moved to the next Boju plant in the row and started pulling it out and checking it. "Its about time you started taking an interest in the farm and help your parents out"
tab "Tch, there's no future in farming," Reede blurted out. "How do you find any excitement in tilling fields everyday? Its ridiculous! What ever happened to 'Hammer-Jack'?"
tab Yan tossed the infected Boju at Reede. Reede fumbled with it for a few seconds but managed to grab hold of it.
tab "That life was too rough for me. You can tell just by looking," Yan pointed to his scars as he spoke. "I had too many close calls and watched friends die. Adventure isn't always like the storybooks son."
tab Yan started tugging at a Boju that had buried itself deep in the soil.
tab "Having a family and living a life fighting was something I couldn't do. Farming was a bit of a stretch, but it was enough to support you and your mother. It might not be fun, but in order to survive, its necessary."
tab Reede tossed the Boju into the basket and turned to walk away.
tab "Where do you think you are off to boy?" Yan shouted.
tab Reede kept on walking.
tab "I got some things to do in town," Reede called back. "See you later pops!"
tab "Boy!" Yan cried one last time.
tab Reede disappeared into the stalks of the Korncaps as he headed for town. The Club was probably already waiting for him there. He needed to hurry, before they took off without him.
tab Today they were going to try and climb Igmarus.
The Journey Star (Page 1)
Edits: Painters are now Scribes. You'll find out why later on
A story I made up a 5 minutes after hitting Submit. I don't know where it will go from here or how it will end. Its all being created as I go. I would make the parts longer, but some people don't like to read too much.
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