Undead Lover
Do you ever get that feeling that your being watched? Like every move you make is followed by someone. It's the feeling i get everyday, though everytime I look around, there's no one their. I also began having nightmares about my best friend. The nightmares got so bad I began not even closing my eyes scared I might fall asleep more then I should be up. This has beenoi happening for the past four months. Well it's time for bed, Dear Lord please don't let me have another Nightmare.
Chapter 1- A date?
"Where am I?" said I, Ashley as I walked around in the purple swirling lights all around me.I closed my eyes and when they opened again I saw a boy in front of me. He looked pretty far away. I ran to him it was my friend Alex. He and I both smiled then something else happened he hugged me then put his arms around my neck. He moved in close and his lips touched mine. Confused I looked at his face which was a mistake. He smiled once more then his face began falling apart, his lushes brown hair turned black his skin turned pale, and his skin was coming off his face. I opened my mouth to scream but...no words.
I closed my eyes and when they opened the second time he was a complete skeleton. Tears rolled down my face until finally I screamed and pulled away.I looked back at him, he was fading and my mother's face began to appear. When I awoke I saw my mother, I felt my cheeks real tears were replacing where my cheeks should be. "Ashley please wake up its just a dream..Nightmare!" I nodded. She nodded then walked out of the room.
I don't tell my mother what the dreams are about I'm scared she might think I have problems. I sighed and yawned.I felt my heart it was beating fast but starting to calm down. These dreams were becoming ridiculous, the only person that knew about them was my friend Alex himself. Alex is a goofball at times but he knows when to be serious. I thought about the nightmare I had this time. This time he kissed me, usually its just a hug...
I pushed the thought away and came back to reality. I got up from bed, it was Summer break which meant no school. Today was the first day of the break. I smiled at the thought then became serious. What do I even plan to do this Summer? Well to start it off I guess I should tell Alex about my current dream I worried about. I jumped out of my room and ran downstairs to the living room. I leaped on the couch and took the phone off it's reciever. I dialed the numbers fast, it rang four times before Alex picked up.
He yawned and moaned, "Ashley it's so early can't this wait till later?" I looked at the clock it was already noon. I rolled my eyes. "It's about another one of my dreams" I whispered making sure my mom didn't hear. I heard him jump off his bed, he knew how I felt about these dreams. "Oh then go on" he said still sounding half asleep. After I told him every detail of the dream he said "I see, so this time I kissed you?" I replied with a simple yes. He laughed a little "Well then it couldn't have been all that bad"
"So your saying you wanna turn into a skeleton?" I said not realizing how harsh it sounded. I heard him moan again and apologize. "Sorry you know I didn't mean that anyway new subject, can I come over later on today?" I thought about it. "Sure why not" I finally replied. We both agreed on a time then hung up. As I put the phone down I wondered what to do till Alex came. The mall sounded good. I got up from the couch an ran back upstairs to the bathroom. After I finished taking a shower and brushing my teeth and hair I was out the door.
Today I was wearing a yellow and orange T-shirt and blue jeans, casual look for Summer. I ran to the mall quickly knowing I had a only a certain time to be their or I would miss Alex. When I finally saw the entrance to the mall a block away I heard footsteps behind me. I stopped running and turned around quickly. Of course once again no one was there. I turned around and made an excuse for what it was. A leaf I thought just a leaf rolling around in the street. I nodded and kept walking. Half a block to the mall I heard a public phone ring. Aren't they only supposed to be called from...
I walked slowly to it. I picked it up and listened as someone breathed hard on the other line. I blinked once and planned on speaking until the other person did first. "Hello Ashley miss me?" I gasped. "Who is this how do you know my name?" I managed out after the shock on me let go. "You don't remember me sugar pie? Guess you wouldn't since I did die a long time ago...." Then the voice hung up. I dropped the telephone and ran back home.
When I arrived to my house I went inside and ran to my room. I laid down on my bed and let tears come out. I was scared, How cold someone I was positive I never met before know my name? I closed my eyes but jumped when the doorbell rang. I ran down stairs and slowly opened the door Alex was here. I sighed in relief, wait why a sigh of relief what did I expect to see?
My thoughts were interrupted. "Ashley can I ask you something?" I looked at him then nodded. "W-would you like to go with me to some party my friend is having?" My eyes gleamed. I loved going to parties with Alex, but something did catch me off gaurd. Wy did he act so nervous while asking. Probably imagined it. I turned back to him and nodded. He smiled one of his 'thank you Lord' smiles then came inside.
"So when's the party?" I asked him. The question seemed to tip him over. "Actually it's in an hour and takes half an hour to get there so the sooner your ready the better." I nodded and ran upstairs to my room. I changed into a pink tank top and a pink pair of jeans, Alex loves when I wear pink he says it makes me look cute. I blushed when I thought of this. Why did I blush?
When I was one getting dressed I ran downstairs and saw Alex with something shiny in his hands. I sneaked over and looked at it.As I walked over he turned around and hid the item. He frowned "Don't sneak up on me.." I apologized . "What's that in your hands?" his eyes grew big for a moment. "oh nothing really are you ready?" I rolled my eyes and nodded. He looked at my clothes and smiled his smile. "Oh yea pink just the way I like you,I mean your clothes I mean not that I would wear them or anything, You know-" I cut him off he was going into his nervous state of forgetting how to explain things.
"I know what you mean Alex, c'mon I don't wanna be late now" He nodded and we walked to his car. I had completely forgotten about the telephone call and my dream until...
As we were in the car Alex got a scared look on his face. I raised an eyebrow, "Alex what's wrong?" He shook his head, he looked like he had just been snapped out of a spell. He looked at me for a second then back at the road. "Er Ashley I gotta ask did you get a phone call earlier, off a public telephone?" My eyes popped up and I nodded quickly.His mouth opened and he looked at me. Mistake as he stared at me in shock I saw two lights from the corner of my eye. I looked at the road and screamed. Alex came back to reality and quickly turned the wheel. The other car beeped it's horn and drove away.
Alex parked on a street corner then quickly turned to me. "Ashley I'm so sorry I almost killed you!" Tears filled is eyes as he put his arms around me.He took me out of the passenger seat an held me close. I felt his tears as they ran down of his face onto my face. Why was he so sorry? Even this wasn't like him. I looked up at him and gasped. His lips touched mine, I felt confused but closed my eyes. When I opened them again He was holding me tightly once more still apologizing. Did I just imagine that kiss?
I hugged him back, Now I had forgotten all about the telephone call and dream. All my focuses were on making Alex happy. I couldn't bear to see him sad, seeing him like this made me wanna cry. After a long ten minutes of saying sorry he let go and started up the car again.The rest of the way to the party he didn't take his eyes of the road. Not a glance toward me. When twenty minutes passed Alex parked again. We both got out of the car and I followed him inside a house.
Erm, the first tiny bit of ...
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