• Later in the day, when Laurent had decided to stop attempting to annoy his "deathly" sick brother, He himself was incredible bored. He'd tried going to sleep, but the bed didn't like him and threw him off. He'd tried raiding the fridge, only to find Felix already stuffing his face.

    Elliot had taken the car, Hexis was doing something outside (and He wouldn't DARE be rude and intrude on the younger man's solitude, EVER), Which left Maheel and His brother's kids as open game.

    With determination, he marched his way into the basement of the rather large, rather roomy home that he shared with most of his family. With a quick shudder, he felt himself fall to his knees, legs melting as he descended down the stairs. Soon, his entire body became little more then a shiny, silver liquid that flew gracefully down the long, twisting stairs.

    As the liquid metal reached the bottom of the stairs, it began to re-form. It formed legs, four of them, thin and close to the ground. The body then began to form, think and long, then a tail, and head, then the whole thing gained color.

    He'd become a common, orange tabby cat.

    With cat-like grace (obviously), he hopped onto the cool metal table that rested in to corner of the large room. He mewed, surprising the man in the center of the lab.