• My heart pounded ten times faster than normal. My eyes wide with fear. The biting of my neck became harder. The pain stopped when he let go of my neck. "Now you will become a vampire," he said softly. I tried to breathe and fell, putting one hand on the ground. Blood dripped from my neck.
    "Why?," i managed to whisper. He frowned and said,"Why so blue? I thougt this is what you wanted, Penelope." I scrambled to my feet and said," You thought wrong." The pain came back and i fell. "Zero, i dont want this, i dont." Zero looked at me and helped me to my feet.
    "Thats to late now, dear," he whispered. My arms were wrapped around his body. My head lay on his chest. I couldn't hold back the tears. He grabbed me off the ground and to the outdoors of the sidewalk. Cars passed by, paying no attention to us. "Where are you taking me?," i said. He looked down at me and smiled. His smile was a one that read,"I'm going to take you somewhere alright." He looked up and then his feet flew of the ground.
    We flew so fast i had trouble breathing. He settled on a roof of a fifty story building. When we landed, he set me down on the cold roof. "Lets start your training, Penny!," he said with a big grin. "Jump over there," He pointed to the building next to us about three hundred feet away. "I cant do that!," i yelled. "Vampires can," He did that grin again. I got up and walked to the edge. I tried not to look down but failed. The ground was so far down.I gulped and jumped. The air made it easy because i fealt like a bird. I laughed and screamed,but finally landed.
    Zero was on the other side,knodding. He grabbed me and then carried me of the second building to the ground. He carried me toward a abandoned alley in north street. He set me down. "Wha-What are you...," i couldn't finish for he covered my mouth. "Now just sit down like a good little girl while i do something," he touched the top of my shoulder and rubbed his hand to my neck. He tied something and put something over my eyes. His hands grew a purple light and made me lay down. I fainted.

    * * * * *
    The next thing i knew i was in a comfortable bed in a small room. I heard a tea kettle, with the smell of rasberry. I got up and saw what Zero had did to me. A purple cape was tied around my neck. A purple mask covering my eyes. A black suit with a purple vest. A purple top hat with the most beutiful purple roes in the side. I glanced on my bed and saw a purple staff with a purple star on top. I took it and walked to the room where the tea kettle sound was. I was right it was a tea kettle.
    Zero was in the kitchen making tea. "Zero, what is with all this clothes?," i said. "Those are vampires clothes. I suspect you saw a staff to? That is your vampire staff, you can make a mystical creature come help you in whatever you need help with," He said, pouring a glass of tea. "Wheres your outfit?," i asked suspiciously.
    "In my room. My suit can control fire," he said. He handed me tea with a pancake already made and had syrup on it. He brushed his blond hair out of his face. He sat down with his breakfast.
    After we finished breakfast,we went to go test out our outfits. I grabbed my staff and went to sit on the couch. He walked out with a red staff with a red sun statue on top. "All you have to do is wave the staff in circles and say the name of the creature you want to summon," he said. I stood up and circled my staff. "Unicorn," i said in a loud statement. A flash of light appeared and a unicorn trotted out.
    I petted his soft,long,fur and he bowed gracefully. "Now wave your wand in circles the other way and say, Poof!,"he said. I did as he said and the unicorn poofed away."Easy,huh?," he said with a smile, "dont forget, your a vampire." I hated being reminded of that. I looked down and said, "so what are we fighting." He looked at me and said, "Bad humans." A hour after that we took our staff and patroled the city.

    The city was acting as normal. We were on the roof of a office building that normaly was closed. We looked around until we saw a black alley. In the alley,a woman was sitting there looking at the wall. She didn't blink,which was a bad sign. Zero must have seen it to because he flied down there. "Thats odd," he said. "No duh,sherlock," a voice behind us said. The voice was a man. The man wore the same outfit as me,only white. He was clapping,for some odd reason. "Oh, Zero! What a day! I finish my dinner and there you are! Oh my! Is this a present for me? This girl will do fine as my dessert," he said. I think that he is a vampire. "You rotten vampire," Zero growled. Yes, i was right. "Oh! How rude am i! My name is Lu, the vampire who controls minds," he said, proudly.
    "You better leave Penny alone," said Zero. I was impressed. I didn't think Zero could be so mad. Just then i heard voices that sounded like Lu. The voices were loud and mean. They were insults and screams. I fell to the ground trying to stop the noises. "Penny!," Zero said in a panic voice. "To late, bucko," said Lu in a laugh. I couldn't hear myself think. I climbed up and climbed to my feet. I looked like i just came from a bar.
    "Impossible!," Lu said shocked. I waved my staff in circles and said softly, "Troll." A troll appeared with a rinkled shirt and shoes that looked like he bought them cthree thousand years ago.
    "Attack," i said. The troll socked Lu in the eye then kicked him in the stomach. Lu fell then the troll picked him up and threw him far away. Zero was stunned by my streangth. I could tell.

    * * * * *

    I swallowed the pill the nurse gave me. She smiled then walked out the door talking with another nurse. Zero looked at me and said,"i'm sorry. I should have went alone. I know you just started and-" before he could finish, the nurse came in with a clipboard. "Excuse me,sir. We checked her health and it seems that she has had alot of thoughts in one day," said the nurse, handing zero the blood test results.
    I was put in a wheelchair for who knows what. Zero put me in the bus and it wasn't a good thing. I heard a small clap and than another. I looked around and saw a figure. I knew his face. His name was Lu. Lu looked at me than i stood back. Zero made a growl and then jumped at him,shaking the bus. I ran to the door but it closed suddenly by a huge,ugly man. He grabbed my waist then covered my mouth. I tried to bite him but failed. He had hard gloves on.
    Zero sword fighted Lu for twenty minutes. Meanwhile, i was wasting my breath screaming. When Lu had the chance, he flew to the man holding me hostage and taunted. "Well,well,well! Look at this,Zero. This girl will be perfect for my...little project," he said with a evil smile. Zero ran as fast as lightning to my rescue.