• ....i woke....i have risin.....but why...why must i live another day? i wish not to go on in this hell called life...but what do i wish? there is no heaven...no god or any afterlife...we are but organic machines. when we die...we lost forever. the thought of not living does not phase me. thats why human existance should not have exist. love, fear, and other emotions are all human. it disgusts me. i only wish to belive when i see this god face to face. but will i be exiled for not beliving? no. i answer to myself. i only answer myself. no one should should have to answer to others. human governments are the center of the problems that make such a being think these thoughts....but it is the human mind that causes these governments to be hell and hell causes ones mind to be demented like mine....we should have never been created so we could never suffer....