• Have this happen to you?!"I spill liquid on the table!""I spill liquid on the floor!""Huh,I spill liquid in my pant!"Hi,we got a brand new produce for you.It's call the ShamWOOHOO!Not the sham woohoo.It's the shamWOOHOO,say it like that.It's a towel,shamy,and rag technical!Don't believe me,watch this.If you spill all your liquid allover your table.A regular rag or towel will just suck it in so boring.Well the ShamWOOHOO well not suck it in.You can push it off the table!Still not buying it.Well we give you another shamWOOHOO for free if you order now!That's right,you can get two free shamWOOHOO for a price for $5 dollar value for that just for $19.99!So what are you waiting for,order your shamWOOHOO and you will say WOOHOO every time...WOOHOO!TEEHEE!

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