• 'Hmmm....' Thought Leon. 'Its now been 3 years since the incident with Saddler. I wonder what became of Ada....' Leon was flying to a deserted island near the Hawaiian Islands. He was Told that an old accomplice and a new Ally would meet him. The Jet landed in a run down looking airport. He saw a familiar face waving to him as he landed.
    "Leon!!!!!!" said the girl. Leon then remembered her face. It was Claire. and there was a man next to her. he assumed it was Chris. Leon walked over to them and they reminisced.
    "Leon...I've been informed that a new organization has risen like Umbrella." Said Chris.
    "Who? Where are these Psychos coming from?!"
    "Its a Organization called Tricell. Apparently They also made a viral structure much like the G-Virus. Its the S-Virus. An Umbrella Package said they used the structural code from ...Las Plagas..." Said Claire. 'Ada....you gave them the sample?' Leon thought to himself. "Also... The Virus wasn't stable enough to be contained. There are parasitic Animals, people and even Bugs. But they are now resistant to Large Flashes. and this time...they mainly bite." Said Claire.
    "Zombie Parasites....Crap." Chris said then saw a huge Rock Coming towards them. "DUCK!!!" they all ducked and the rock passed over them. Then they heard a Loud Yell followed by a Evil Laugh.
    "Man....My Job Sucks!" Said Leon looking at the huge hole in the wall.

    ~Resident Evil..... Code: SXJ1~