Sasori of the Red Sand-Naruto
Saosori of the red sand
Chapter 1-origins
The red haired Sasori stared curiously at the puppets in front of him as Chiyo moved her hands making them come to life. He liked the shows his grandma did he still didn’t know how the strings worked but it was entertaining to watch. The two puppets continued too hit one another on the head. He let out a chuckle as the first puppet kicked the other in the shin making it jump around holding it.
You cant explain why grandparents and grandchildren get along so greatly. They say some traits skip a generation and the two have a similar quality they both acknowledge. Chiyo lover her grandson He looked so much like his father. The untamed red hair and lazy expression both suggested a carefree nature. He was a bright child like his mother and he had already begun too dabble with the puppet making. She realized she had just lost her focus and both puppets fell limp on the coffee table.
Saosori grabbed the limp puppets and examined it to try and figure out how she made them move without marionette. With a twitch of her finger strands of chakra floated from her right hand and connected to the five limps of the puppet. The puppet then sprang too life much too Sasori’s surprise and did a bow of servitude to him. Chiyo couldn’t help but chuckle at Sasori’s surprise “sometimes I forget he’s 5 she thought”.
She was letting him stay up as it was and his parents were not going to be happy. She decided to put him to bed. She led him to his room with a candle and saw that he made his bed. Saosori was crawling under the covers when he realized his favorite puppet wasn’t there. Chiyo saw this and remembered she left his favorite puppet in the living room. He never slept without the thing. His mother gave it too him 2 months ago and they’ve been inseparable. The puppet looked just like his mother and he cherished it.
She again twitched her finger and with a yank the puppet quickly navigated threw the halls into there room. Saosori welcomed the sight of the puppet and embraced it wich was funny because the puppet did the same but it was also a heart warming picture.
“Time to go to bed Sasori” Chiyo said covering him up.
Saosori flashed a scared look when she was about too turn off the light. Chiyo paused and smiled reassuringly “I’m not leaving Sasori ill be in the next room until your parents return from their mission”.
Saosori rolls over and slept as Chiyo walked into the next room. She didn’t know what but something bothered her. Something bad was about to happen.
Threw the desert two black figures run to the village. One was a women black long hair hung down her pale features. She was lovely not beautiful but indeed a striking woman. The other was a man with red hair carrying a unconscious ninja on his back.
They spoke of nothing as they indeed carried and enemy hostage. They move quickly. One could not track there movements as they seem to disappear as they went into the shadows. Within moments it seemed they covered over 500 yards.
“Well be arriving at the village gate ETA 13 minutes” said the women.
“I’m going to drop back were being followed advance your speed while I take care of them”. They both stopped as they transferred the enemy shinobi. He gave her a nod and she flickered away. He turned and drew a katana and hid behind a tree. He could smell them coming four of them by there movements he sensed two chuunin and two jounin. He drew five kunai knives one of them had an explosive tag.
A moment later they arrived at his location. One looked down too see there trail.
“They stopped here” one of them said. “They transferred the hostage and one continued and the other”.
Before the chuunin could finish his sentence The red haired jounin threw the kunai that had the explosive tag attached to it. The chuunin tried to jump away but the kunai penetrated his leg just as the tag exploded. The other chuunin died along with them, one jounin injured and the last jounin was a fall back too prevent flanking. He escaped the blast.
The red haired jounin crept silently along behind trees. Placing explosive tags on every tree he hid behind then placing two detonation wires. Soon the unsuspecting enemy shinobi were surrounded in trip wires. They next part of the plan was too trip them then Boom. The red haired jounin drew four more kunai and jumped into the perimeter he deflected two incoming kunai and them he retaliated with his own. Throwing the two on his left hand before running to the other side of the perimeter the jounin didn’t follow suspecting a trap but they didn’t have too he threw the last 2 kunai back as they hit the delicate two wires the only thing keeping the tags stable. Then “BOOM” the clearing was filled with fire and the explosion continued to trigger the different sets of tags he’d placed there. After five sets of explosions the smoked finally cleared revealing what was left of the enemy shinobi.
Quick and precise he thought as he walked away.
“Very good” a voice said behind him. The red haired jounin turned too see another sand nin with long black samurai style hair. “Very good brother always the best at everything”.
“I thought we were over with this little brother”. The red Nin cautiously steps back from the killing intent radiating off his little brother.
“Yes were over it as of tonight” the black haired Nin popped the cork of the gourd on his back as black sand poured out from it. Like the new jutsu big brother sand manipulation. “Recognize it? it’s the Kazekage’s own jutsu only changed a little. The sand is Iron and is the perfect weapon for every scenario”.
The red haired Nin took another step back from the floating metal sand around him. “So what does this mean Hiro you reveal your new jutsu after killing your own brother”.
“No not exactly that would be treason you died along with the jounin you just killed. Also a mysterious ninja killed you wife freeing the hostage. But I have ran too your rescue but was too late. Anger festering in me I captured the hostage and took him back to the village. Ill be welcomed back as a hero”.
“You killed Her” he was now emitting an equal strong aura of killing intent.
“Not yet brother remember one must fight when one is ready. Kill me and exact revenge die and I become the savior of the village. I might even become the next Kazekage”.
“How you going to do that kill him” The Red haired Nin spat.
“No in 1 year time the Kazekage’s Demon is going to mysteriously emerge killing villagers rampaging doing what a Demon does”.
“You know full well that Shukaku is a guardian not some idiotic demon”.
“Yes I know either way I will save the village by sealing the demon away but sadly killing the Kazekage in the process. A year later the council will declare me the 3rdKazekage. I will be honored and known as the most powerful of them all”. The black haired Nin laughed menacingly as his hands and the iron sand flew towards his bother.
The brothers fought harshly so much the very ground was covered in red hot metal sand. And both were at a stand still both breathing hard and glaring at each other. The Red haired Nin looked the most battered up but the black haired Nin showed advanced signs of chakra depletion.
The black haired Nin grinned happily knowing the last fight with his brother was going to be this good. He could feel his muscles weakening from the stress of keeping the sand active. His brother had tried every tactic he could against it slowing it down with water or melting it. This proved how powerful his jutsu was how strong he was the most powerful shinobi alive maybe. “You did well my brother and just for doing so ill let your son live to be a shinobi”. “If you yield now and die if not ill kill him”.
The red haired Nin looked down as tears ran down his face. The thought of losing his son and his wife wasn’t something you could bottle up like every other sand ninja. He remembered his son’s first steps and first word. That is like the most pure thing in the world. If you don’t have kids you wouldn’t understand. He then dropped his hands too his sides in defeat. Just Let him live he did nothing too you. His mind then remembered a picture he gave too his son Sasori 2 months ago. A picture of them when he was just born happy and perfect. And he died with that memory as the iron sand covered him and crushed him dealing a quick and painless death.
At that moment Chiyo felt a stab of pain in her chest as she felt a cold shiver of despair run all over her body. Despair so terrible a tear dropped from her eye.
The enemy shinobi that had survived the explosion previously set by Saosoris father saw the entire thing. He crept silently away as the black haired Nin set up the battle field to look like Saosoris father had died in the explosion. The enemy shinobi got away just as the future 3rd Kazekage noticed only 4 bodies one was missing.
(authors notes)
First chapter everyone. Remember I do not own Naruto or any characters that appeared in the manga. I do like comments so please tell me how i can improve. Thats why we write, right? Be truthful, if you find something that is wrong, or Could be improved, I take critism thankfully. It will help me to strive to be the best. Thanks again the next chapter will be in about 1 day.
Sasori of the Red Sand-Naruto
This is a Naruto Fanfiction, in which the main character is Sasori of the red sand. I do not own any characters that appeared in 'Naruto'. I Do not own naruto, or any Ideas pertaining to naruto. This is just a Fanfiction. My first one actually, I apologize if I make some mistakes in grammer. This was originally my first Fanfiction. I would like to hear what you all think about it. Ive prewritten like 40 chapters.
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