Shinobi Quest
Chapter 1: The Gathering
A slender neko ninja named Kitsu stood atop an out-cropping of rock which overlooked a large, cascading waterfall. Her eyes were darting around, scouting, ears tucked against her hair, tail locked around her waist as if a fuzzy belt. She was waiting for someone, well....several people to arrive. "I wish you clowns would hurry, i'm freezing!", She whispered aloud, tugging her long leather gunner cloak tighter around her slim form. Suddenly Shirai jumped down behind her and chuckled. He noticed the cool air long before she mentioned it. "Hello Kit, sorry for the wait had to make sure I wasn't followed." He gave her a quick hug and gathered some sticks. "Fireball", he lit the pile and got more sticks. "This should keep us warm." He glanced around and found a tall tree. He sighed, wishing that the other would hurry up. Shirai lept in the tree and relaxed in the branches. "Wake me when they get here." Shirai closed his eyes. When he did, Ryu teleported into the tree, silently taking out his sword, wraps it around Shirai's neck, waits then chuckles. He put his katana away and sits on the branch, within a second Ryu's ninja squad was in the tree. Ryu made a hand gesture and they disappeared. "How long have you two been waiting." Without even waiting for an answer Ryu jumped out of the tree and ran into the forest. "i'll be back in a minute, i've got something to take care of." Ryu said. Kitsu whimpered softly and curled up by the fireside. her head hurt, the spot where her 'heart' was suppost to be was in pain and she couldn't see straight. "Even as an ice user, i'm still freezing...Mew..." She hunkered down and nestled into her cloak to keep warm, and for Ryu to come back. Shirai drew his katanas and his cleaning kit. He began caring for his weapons as he spoke. "How many people are we waiting for, i'm in the middle of a mission." He finished and sheathed them. "I can't let my target escape." he started to hum an old Japanese war song. Kitsu smiled softly and glanced up at him. "Not to many maybe seven or eight, now go take care of your business and return swiftly. "Six or seven, we'll be here all day." With that Shirai vanished. Several hours later he returned battered and bruised. "Kit" Shirai called out, he fell to the ground out cold. "Moron, that's what you get for going into battle unprepared." Kitsu laughed as she layed a blanket over him, then climbed a tree to keep watch for the others. Smoke billowed out of Shirai's wounds. Within a minute he was on his feet and in a tree. " Man, i need to feed ". Ryu comes back out of the forest followed by his squad of ninja. He goes over and sits by the fire, exhausted. Ryu meditates waiting for the others to show up. After a while Ryu falls asleep and his dream is a flashback about how he got the scar that goes from the left side of his face down to his lip. " This is a dangerous mission for a first time ninja ", said the emperor. " I can handle it " Ryu replied. " I believe in you Ryu just don't die out there ". "Ok " Ryu jolted up and ran out of the emperor's office and into town. He makes it to his house, grabs his backpack and his vest and headband and rums to the gates. " Finally my first mission. " Ryu said happily. " I wonder what i have to do ", Ryu untied a scroll that was in his pocket and read. " You must bring back the mysterious bandit that has been robbing stares and homes in a village to the coast ". " I could do that with my hands tied behind my back ". Ryu said to himself. He made his way to the village. When the boat he was on stopped, he got off. Waiting for his guide, Ryu started to pace. After ten minutes a girl in her early twenty's walked up to him. " My name is Kadi, you must be Ryu ". " Yes I am Ryu, you must be my guide ". She giggled and said, " Yep, now lets get back to town ". They started to walk down a path, later they got to the village. Kadi showed Ryu around town, she even paid for his hotel room. Ryu didn't know why she was being so nice to him, he looked over his shoulder to see is she was still following his and she blushed. Once she left, Ryu went back to the hotel and unpacked his bag. He put everything where it was suppost to be and went out into town to buy some food. At the market Ryu bought some fruits and some meat. When he paid for the food he started to walk back to the hotel, once he got into the middle of the road a man ran past him, knocking Ryu over, as this was happening the bank manager was running up the road screaming, " Stop that man he stole the bank's money". At once Ryu hopped up and ran after him. In a matter of minutes the robber was gone, so Ryu bought some more food, went back to the hotel, ate and then went to bed. That morning Ryu woke up, got dressed and then strapped on the katanas and went to patrol the town. He walked around town, made some friends and when he finally got settled the robber ran down the street so Ryu took off his weights and ran after him. After a while they came to a clearing. The robber came to a stop, dropped the bag and drew his katana, Ryu drew his. The robber swings around, his eyes open widely. The robber shuddered, "s-s-son". Ryu replied, " I am not your son". Ryu charged the man, while he was running memories of his family came to his mind and the robber looked similar to his father. Ryu stoped dead in his tracks, the robber swung his sword at Ryu, he didn't even try to block the sword so it caught the top of Ryu's left eye down to his lip. Ryu clenched his eye in pain and swung his sword when he opened his eyes to find that he had cut the robbers head off. Ryu activated his bloodline, Rasion, so he could see out of his eye, as he did he woke up by the fire. Kitsu glanced over at Ryu and smiled. " We are all loners so it might be hard to stay together ". Her eyes were a strange liquid yellow in the combined light of the of the moon and the fire, this is how she had got her name. She remembered the day clearly. She, Sarutobi, and Kinami sat around a fire.They had been coming home from an escort mission in the land of snow and halfway to Kasobi village. After a while they made camp. It'd been warmer than in the land of snow but winter was growing near. As they began to grow sleepy, Kitsu Meowed and Sarutobi laughed. Then he saw her eyes and said, " Kitsu your eyes and sharp features make you all the more cat like. " Suddenly Kitsu snapped back to the real world. " W-what on earth ? ". " I'm guessing you had a flashback also". Ryu said, " since i'll be here for a while my ninja squad can take care of my missions ", as he said that all but one of the squad members left. Rigu, Ryu's younger brother came and sat beside Ryu, " I'm going to stay with you brother ", said Rigu. " As you with brother ", Ryu replied. Rigu looked exactly like Ryu, except Ryu had the scar. " Do these people know about us Ryu ? ", Rigu asked. " Yes they do ", Ryu said, " well do hey know about me ", Rigu asked. " Not exactly ", Ryu rolled his eyes cause he didn't like to explain things. " Everyone this is my twin brother Rigu ", Ryu explained, " we are the dragons of the north and west ", Rigu said proudly. " Our sisters Kashiwa and Iasoma are the dragons of the east and the south ", Ryu lowered his head. " But unfortunately we still haven't found them ", Ryu said. " There is only one place we haven't looked and that is the Yoi Country " ,Rigu said. Rigu and Ryu sat by the fire waiting for someone else to talk. Kitsu laughed, " Are you shy Ryu-kun, you don't talk much ". She leaned over and whispered something in Shirai's ear and of course he laughed also. Kitsu smiled and sat back against a tree and started to hum softly. Then, seeing the full moon over Ryu's head, She howled and set every wolf in the forest to making noise. " Ah, good Liliane and her pack are staying close to us, she says they'll guard us tonight ". Shirai pulled a blood pill from his pouch and ate it. He was interested in Ryu's story, but he was to alert to care. Something flittered though the shadows. " Don't move, there is something near." He drew the Dragon sword and lept into a tree. He sensed a creature near. All of a sudden kunai started to fly at him, as he blocked that with a sword thrust he yelled. "HEROGANA!! ", a squad of about twenty or so ninja appeared and started to attack the small group.
Ryu and Rigu quickly stood up and started to charge up some chi, this is Ryu special technique it is a combo of 3 spells. Fireball, lightning and body of flame. He named it Blazing Dragon Blade, when they were done charging chi Ryu put his hand out and charged up a ball of chi resembling lightning, next he blew fire on it to make it a sparking ball of chi. Lastly Ryu's body was engulfed in fire. Ryu and Rigu charged at the herogana members, Ryu shoved his hand into the stomach of one of them and killed him when he took his hand out the body caught on fire. Ryu and Rigu were back to back, surrounded by herogana members. Rigu grabbed two of Ryu's four swords and Ryu grabbed the other two and they started to slicing heads off. One of the Herogana snuck up behind Ryu and thusted his sword into his shoulder, Ryu fell to the knees clenching his shoulder, Rigu killed the herogana but there were more left. Shirai slashed and killed a few Herogana. He steadied himself and knocked one in the air. " Secret technique: Sword of the Heavenly Dragon ". He lept up, and using chi to fly, he stabbed the Herogana thirteen times. " Cloak of Shadows ". He darted back to a clearing, a few moments later he returned. He had changed, the Dragon sword was sheathed and Kitetsu was out and glowing purple, Shirai's eyes were like glowing red orbs. Black wings burst from his back. He smiled, features full of evil. One herogana member was foolish enough to try and attack, the herogana stabbed Shirai. He pulled the sword out and stabbed the herogana with his own sword. The demonic power of Kitetsu was known. The Herogana's soul was devoured as Shirai healed. Using ancient handsigns passed down the Dasuku line, Shirai lept into the air. " Ninpo: Art of the Inuzuma ", using his chi, Shirai's body shot bolts of electricity out and killed the remaining herogana members. He sheathed Kitetsu and folded his wings back. " So this is what i've decided to became ", he sighed and his eyes returned to normal. He went to find the others and came to a clearing to find Kitsu and Furikami, the leader of the herogana, fighting. " Kitsu ", Shirai yelled as he dashed forward. She looked at Shirai and it was just enough of a distraction for Furikami to stab Kitsu. " This is a warning of you Dasuku, you'll see all your friends die before your eyes if you come after me again ", with that Furikami vanished. Shirai knelt down and held Kitsu in his arms, tears streaming from his eyes. " Shirai...i want you to know, i'm sorry ", Kitsu said weakly. " I forgive you Kitsu ", Shirai said and as he finished she smiled and died. Shirai looked to the heavens and screamed, " Kitsu ". " Ryu, Rigu we have a duty to for fill. " We must avenge Kitsu, Furikami must die by our hands or we die trying". " O..k, but first,....I NEED A LITTLE HELP OVER HERE ! ". Ryu said as blood was pouring out of the gaseous hole in his shoulder. Ryu's ninja squad soon returned to find Shirai, Ryu and Rigu siting at the campfire with fortunately hadn't gone out. Rigu tended to Ryu's shoulder. Later, Rigu sat near the fire sharpening every ones swords. " So Shirai when are we setting out to find Furikami ", Rigu said. " Wait Rigu, i'm waiting on someone ", Ryu said. Ryu started charging chi and made a jin handsign, " Infinite Darkness Technique: Searing Shadows ", Ryu said. Nothing happened, but the technique was taking effect.
" Now if the Herogana come back it will look like we have already left, now we can get some sleep and wait til morning ". Shirai paced a bit, he couldn't sleep. Kitsu's final moments kept haunting him. He leaned against a tree and started to clean and shine the Dragon sword. He eventually passed out, after an hour of torment, he awoke to Rigu shaking him awake. Ryu awoke and stood up, he went over to his bag and pulled a sake bottle and 2 shot glasses.He filled then both up to the top, and had both of then down in under a second. He then stood staring into the forest and then fell over and went to sleep.
Shirai went into the woods, he looked around and found a shocking sight. Kitsu's headband was stained with blood and up against a katana. Shirai then went to Kitsu's grave, touching the headstone he thought of her. A small breeze blew, "I know i'll be with you soon." He curled up next to her grave. "For now, I will sleep here ". Ryu soon awoke to find that Shirai was gone, he went over, grabbed the sake bottle and went to find Shirai. After about five minutes of walking he found him curled up at a grave, and sat down beside him. " You really miss her don't you?", he poured himself a glass of sake, shot it down and fell over asleep. A stranger walked up and kicked Ryu and Shirai in the side. " Wake up! ", Oni said " It's morning ". Ryu woke up and said, " ONI WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ". Shirai awoke and started to cuss out Oni, " I am not amused ", Shirai said as he looked at the sun to determine were east was. Oni spaced out, " Run hurry, if they find you they'll kill you "," NOOOOO! ", Oni screamed as he came to. " If you three decide to follow me, i won't stop you " Shirai said, then he spread his wings and jumped off a cliff, then headed to a town. " Don't worry i won't slow you down", Ryu said as Rigu and Ryu jumped off the cliff and landed with a thud. " Me neither ", Oni said as he jumped off the cliff, he took out his sword and jabbed it into the side of the cliff and landed on the ground softly. " Anyway, your Shirai,right?, i'm Oni, one of Ryu's comrades, i'm trying to regain my memories and find my real family that's why i spaced out earlier, but the only thing i remember is you guys and some bloody and gruesome images ". Shirai ignored the newcomer, he continued toward the town. He thought of his friend that went off to become a mage, at that moment Shirai spaced out. Shirai walked with Azreal, he wondered why Azreal was so quiet today. Azreal finally stopped and spoke, " I spoke with a mage the other day ", he paused, " he found out my ability, I am to leave and take the test ". He turned away from Shirai, " pray i survive, pray that we may travel again ". Shirai then snapped back and continued forward. " SHIRAI ", a voice was heard off in the distance, a man in a cloak was floating over the ground over to the group, the man hugged Shirai. " I knew i would see you again, my test showed me where you were ", the man said. " Azreal " Shirai said, " yes its me Shirai " Azreal said as he displayed his left arm. " My test showed me a lot of things ". His arm was covered with leather straps up to the elbow under, his arm was laced with black flames. " I am gifted with a curse to prevent me from abusing my blessing ". " Azreal, Azreal the Sorcerer, i haven't seen you since i was young ", Ryu said, " see if this name comes to mind, Ryu Shi Dragon of the west ", Ryu said. " Yes i remember you Ryu and i know of you also Rigu, i knew the Dragons would come ". Azreal said, " Shirai always knew how to find good company ", everyone laughed. Azreal looked at Shirai, " where is Kitsu, she is suppost to be with you ", Shirai averted his gaze. " She's gone, Furikami took her from us ", Shirai said with his head down. " I'm sorry Shirai ", Azreal sighed, " we'll find her again, last i remember nekos have a habit to stay alive ". Ryu turned away from the group and went to the store to see what weapons they had. He went in and was amazed of all the weapons they had.
He looked and grabbed a few items like shuriken, kunai, bomb tags, and needles but when he turned around and his mouth dropped, there on the wall was his old sword.....The Zephyer Blade. The stainless steel sword, coated in iron and on the backside was a sharp indent, above that to the top was covered in black phoenix feathers. It had been the blade in which he killed his father. He bought everything he needed and the sword and returned to the group before anyone knew he was gone. Azreal looked and saw the store also and went in. He waved to Muramasa and proceeded to look at the sakabatos. Muramasa wheezed and said, " Lord Azreal, i've received a few items for you ". Azreal turned and walked to the counter. Muramasa handed him an amulet and a sakabato. The amulet had a blade-like area meant to go over the back of the hand. Azreal slipped it on and said, " How does it work ". Azreal asked the legendary smith. " Focus your Chi into a blade ", Muramasa said. Azreal did and the amulet started to hiss and a blade of pure Chi sprang from it. " Perfect ", Azreal said. He slung his sakabato over his back, deactivated the soul blade, and walked out. " Sheesh", Oni said while he was sitting shaking his leg up and down. " Can you guys hurry up ". An hour later Oni got fed up with waiting. " Ugh....i'm leaving ", Oni said as he walked off. Then Oni began to train, " Clone ", Oni yelled as he summoned enough Chi to make two clones. " Alright listen rules are......no rules......GO!! ", Oni pulled out his sword and with one quick strike took out one of the clones. " I hope you can provide more of a challenge ". The two Oni's charge each other and it ends with a clash of swords, both swords go flying into the air and the real Oni starts to charge up Chi. " Water Dragon!!! ", Oni yells as a dragon made completely of water rose from a nearby lake and made its way to the clone. He jumped and dodged but before he could touch the ground the real Oni sliced him right out of the air. " Again that was way to easy....oh, better get back " Oni said. Ryu was on a nearby building watching the battle, " nice, but you should try and take on a silouette clone, it doesn't just "poof" away when you hit it you must hit a vital spot ", Ryu said. Ryu then charged up some Chi and made four silhouette clones.
" Rasion ", Ryu whispered as his eyes turned pure black with a small white dot. The clones charged at him, Ryu pulled at some shuriken and kunai and threw them at a clone, the clone dodged them but there where small strings made of Chi attached to the weapons. Ryu flicked his wrist and the weapons came back around and struck the clone in the heart and it poofed. " Three left " Ryu said under his breath, he charged some Chi up in his hand and it make a ball of Chi. Ryu thrust his hand into the clones face sending it flying, it poofs in mid-air. " Two more, this is getting fun ", Ryu said with a smirk, Ryu being able to control wind, air steps to a clone. The clone blinked and Ryu was in front of him, Ryu started to hit the clones Tenketsu after five shots the clones heart exploded. The last clone stood in front of Ryu looking him straight in the eye, " bad idea ", Ryu said. Ryu closed his eyes and said, " Shi no Sensei: Master of Death ", Ryu opened his eyes and the clone fell to his knees and poofed. Uneasily Oni said " Sure why not, Silhouette clone ", he created one clone. " Okay, ready ", they got there stances ready. " Stand back ", Oni sent a left kick at the clone, the clone blocked and grabbed Oni's foot, Oni jumped and spun his body around and kicked the clone in the face. Oni jumped away from the clone and threw some senbon, they struck the clone in the neck and it poofed. " " Got'em ", Oni said. Azreal laughs and draws his sakabato. He summons another clone, " now to test my sword, Kagemaru!". The sword turned black and the two began to fight. the fight lasted for hours before Azreal decided to finish it. " Bankai !", The sword then shifted into a massive broadsword, then turned into a incorporeal state, he stabbed the clone and it poofed. " Now, can we get out of this god forsaken town ", Ryu said. "Wait there is something i must get first ", Ryu went back to weapons shop and told the clerk, " 258943 ", the clerk nodded and went into the back and gave Ryu a back full of pills. " We may need these for later ", Ryu said. " Furikami won't die if we just sit here ", Shirai said. The group of 5 made there way to the village of Valia.
- by Lord Ryu I-Eclipse-I |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 04/25/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Shinobi Quest: Chapter 1
- Artist: Lord Ryu I-Eclipse-I
This is actually a RP me and my friends made at school. This is Chapter 1 of the first book, we are currently in the middle of the second book so i will try and keep it updated. Please forgive me if there are references from Naruto and Bleach and the game Ninja Gaiden, we based most of the characters from the shows, remember this is an RP so i take no credit for Naruto or Bleach or Ninja Gaiden. Please leave some comments on how you think it is
- Date: 04/25/2009
- Tags: shinobi gaiden ninja fighting naruto
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Shirai_Hyabusa - 06/09/2009
- you need to post the rest, Ryu-Sama
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