• As I slowly drifted back into consciousness, I kept my eyes closed. My head was throbbing. The wind was brushing the tall grass against my face.

    After lying on the ground for what seemed like hours, I finally opened my eyes to see that I was lying under a tree. I studied the tree for a while, and I noticed that directly above me it looked as if a branch had recently broken off the tree. I felt a since of Deja Vu after looking up at the tree.

    I heard a car drive by somewhere in the distance. The sound, for some odd reason, made me want to sit up. I sat my self up against the tree, my head still throbbing. The grass was so tall that I could barely see over the top as I was sitting against the tree, but, with what I could see, I realized I was sitting on my school’s grounds. I felt a little weird at the school without other students walking around, cursing about teaches and insulting their peers. I kind of enjoyed the peacefulness of it.