• Before the sky her Buetiffal eyes shine like two Diamonds
    for she has the Power to destroy enything she has super
    strong rings But she only has 3 attack rings and the other
    ones are Healing and Helping one's she set out to the end
    of the black roed but she had to go to sleep when she was
    In a chinese garden Then she heard a Big bang she looked
    out of the Tree she was sleeping on she herd a roar and 3
    Big dragon One was white Whit No rieder The other was
    red With a Guy on the dragon Laughting and the Black one
    had a girl and when she saw the poor dragon suffering
    she flyed over there and sitted on the white dragon and
    the dragon said your my new owner and Then she said
    i learned about you...In the book of White dragons and i know
    all your spells so let out the Light ball 2 of em at them!!!
    The dragon let out a Big shriek Fai said Onter Bite!!!!Then
    the dragon bit them together and the 2 dragons died
    Then fai said lets go rest in my nest, Nest asked the dragon?
    No we cannot said the dragon I'am on a task and you
    must help...the dragon stood still opened it eyes wide Uh-oh
    i fear that the Golden muffin Queen is closeing in we need to fight
    And by the way call me Shadow kay shadow said fai Hacha
    and then Fai shouted Kismaso lakuita and a giant fire ball was next to them
    she comanted the ball to go destroy muffin the golden queen
    Then when the ball came back it disapeared and then she revived a
    diary She wrote Dear diary,Wath does this diary tell me when i write
    Letters change into....A difrent language then the words disapeared
    and there was a reply it said that this is wrote in the language of the
    White dragon then she shouted wahhh Oh my god and she said
    curse the demons Wicked she saw her dragon falling and she shouted
    Dragon wakey wakey and the dragon said too weak babys are coming
    Fai gave a funny look and shouted Please i'am gonna die and the dragon flew down gently the girl asked dragon DRAGon then she saw little white babys
    comming out she hugged one......