• My name is Rosetta Ann Kilps Hadley Moonpetal. I am strange in many ways.
    First my mother was a fairy or fey and an air witch. Secondly my father is an air
    witch, which makes me a half breed. My mom was killed by my father's hands.
    He was drunk that day. He took his belt off and started to beat my mom with
    it. He hit her square in the head with the buckle and what I thought killed her.
    He came after me next, he grabbed the hem of my dress and it tore with a
    resounding rip. I ran to a little clearing and sat down and cried. I guess my
    wings had popped out of my back when i heard a gasp behind me. I looked up
    and saw four people. I whispered inbetween sobs, "W-Who are you a-and
    what do y-you want?" A really gentle looking lady said, "My name is Emma
    Hadley and this is my sister Jane along with my niece Arabella and my nephew
    Robert. We came here to picnic but now I am not so sure. What is wrong my
    dear and are those wings coming out of your back?" "My name is Rosetta Ann
    Kilps Moonpetal and my mommy just got killed by my daddy and i was next but
    i ran away before he got me. Yes i have wings. Why do you ask?" "I was just
    curious m'dear." "I'm sorry for ruining your picnic." I said. "That's okay dear it
    doesnt matter now. Jane dear i need to talk to you privately." Jane
    nodded, "Okay, let's go over here." They walked about five yards away and
    started to whisper quickly. "We have to help the poor thing. I mean we can't
    just leave her here now can we." said Emma. "I agree with you completely
    sister. We should see if her father will give her to us even if it means spending
    a few pounds to get her out of his care." "Let's go ask the dear gel if she
    wants to become one of the family." said Emma. They came back to where i
    was sitting and Emma asked, "Would you like to come live with us dear?" "Yes
    I would like that very much." I said shyly. The five of us went back to my house
    to find my dad unconscious on the ground. I asked, "Should i wake him up
    Miss Emma?" "Go ahead m'dear, you might as well." I went and got a bucket
    of water out of the well and threw it on my dad. He immediately woke
    up. "What the hell did you do that for you little brat!" He yelled. Jane
    said, "Please dont talk that way to the child sir. We have come to ask for your
    daughter to take and teach her how to be a lady. Now what do you say to
    that "Mister" Kilps?" "My name is Bo and you can't have her unless you pay a
    very high price." said Bo. "What is your price you bumbling idiot?" "Ten pounds
    no less than that." said Bo. Jane glared, "Fine, I have five pounds with me.
    What about you Emma?" "I have four and a half pounds Jane dear." Bo
    sneered, "That only makes nine and a half. I guess she stays with me." I ran
    into the shack that i called home and go out the money my mom and i had
    been saving up so we could run away from here. It contained a little less than
    half a pound. I came out and handed Jane the money and said, "This is only a
    little less than half a pound, but i want you to have it." Jane smiled, "Thank
    you Rosetta." "Traitor" Bo snarled. "She is not a traitor you sad excuse for a
    man!" Jane said. Arabell and Robert pulled some money out of their pockets
    and asked, "Is this enough Aunt Jane?" They had the last of the money
    needed to make the ten pounds. Emma put the last of the money into her
    money purse and gave it to Jane. Jane took both bags and threw them at his
    feet and said to me, "Go get your stuff and hurry up." "Yes ma'am" I said. We
    left after I got all my things and my mothers. When we got to the Hadely's
    house I was in awe. "Welcome to Rosemont." Emma said.