• It was Winter. Not my favorite time of year. It was cold mostly, not really that wet. The wind was breezing as I walked down the pavement to school. It wasn't to bad outside, cold wise. Maybe about 40 degrees. Still, nonetheless, I wore my winter jacket.
    When I arrived at school, I saw my cousin being dropped off.
    "Hi," I said to her, "why didn't you ask if I wanted a ride?" She ignored me. Pretty odd. Since she was my cousin, and I did live right down the street from her. Why was she not talking. So, I tried speaking again, "why aren't you talking to me?" Again, no reply. She just kept walking on with her friend Cheyenne.
    I decided to leave it be, and go wait for my friend to get off the bus. 11 was her bus number. So I waited outside the doors. No one on the bus waved, though I knew tons of people on that bus. The doors opened and out walked Breanna, I tried to get her attention, yet, she wouldn't even look at me. Not even a glance. It tore me up inside. Why was she ignoring me? Why was everyone ignoring me? I didn't understand.
    I walked into the dreaded halls of Centerscore Middle School. I waved at teachers, yet they didn't wave back. I called my teachers name and went up to him, he never responded. None of this made sense. Why was everyone simply ignoring me? What did I do? I don't know, but i really wish I knew..
    'Maybe it's cause your so ugly' said my other side, Eclipse.
    'Shut up, I am not ugly dangit' I thought back to her. Her and I share the same mind.
    'Hey, just giving you an idea, no need to get snappy. Gosh.'
    Eclipse irritates me sometimes. and usually gets me stuck into situations i cant get myself out of. Sigh. I'll just try to make it through the school day.
    I went up to Rebecca, I poked her and touched her, pushed her. She didn't even say anything. I walked next to her to choir. Nothing.
    I was in my first class of the day, Choir, and they called attendance, they called my name, and I said 'here', yet they marked me as absent anyways.
    None of this made sense.
    Dazed, I thought "well, i'm marked absent for the day anyways, might as well go home.." I took my bag out of my locker and walked outside. No teachers even looked at me, none even stopped me.. I must be the new Social Outcast or something, I don't even know.
    Days past, and nothing changed, it was near the end of the school year, finals were coming up. I was gone for 5 days, a whole school week. I wonder how much I missed.
    So I texted my friend asking what we missed. I waited all day and night for a reply and got none. I only text message I got that day, was from someone telling me to go Jump off a cliff and die. That's the only one I ever got. Maybe I should just go do that.
    I went on to the Internet one day. And I saw the first page of the news. And I couldn't believe what it said.
    "Ignore Kimiko week has ended. I wonder who came up with this holiday. After all she did for us."
    Wow. I thought to Myself. Of all the things..