• While the debating of the races leader went on, The Doom, continued on it's path of destruction, slowly destroying and robbing the nutrients of the worlds it passed. It wasn't really a living thing, more of a force of nature created by the fear and hate of others in distant universes. It manifested itself into a physical form and in turn, destroyed all in it's path. The only REAL way to be sure that it didn't harm anyone ever again was to destroy it. However, that's where the problem lied. There was no known way to defeat it. Anyone who ever came close to discovering an answer was immediately destroyed and all of their intelligence was forgotten. The Doom, being a physical incarnation of evil, also carried the feelings of hate. Even though it was not really a thinking being, it had the feelings of the ones who had unintentionally created it. Therefore, it was smart enough to eliminate it's opposers.
    The Doom continued on it's path and set it's sights on the land that was, and now no longer is. Little did it know that what it would find would be a very intersting adversary.

    Queen Aramis bursts through the Cavernous Castle of Queen Ramuun.
    "Lady Ramuun! We've done it! Our people have found the solution to destroying The Doom!"
    Queen Ramuun's head whipped her head around from reading her book. "Excuse me? That's not possible. The only way to save our people is to run from it. Your proposal is absolutely absurd."
    Queen Aramis looked at her sternly. "What? You doubt my word?"
    "I do doubt it, Aramis. It's poposperous to think you can stop the unstopable."
    Aramis approached Queen Ramuun. "If you don't take action with your people, I will. They will listen to me if I give them a solution to their problem. Instead of waiting to leave all we know behind, we can save it and-" Aramis was cut off by the surprise blow into her stomach. She let out an egsaperated breath and bent forward.
    "No, Aramis. You do not understand the severity of the situation. Stopping the unstopable is impossible. If you want to kill my people by feeding them lies, I have no choice but to stop you." Ramuun spoke in her ear.
    Aramis looked up at Ramuun from her slouched position. "You.... You can't be serious."
    Ramuun lifted Aramis up from the floor by her neck, her eyes black and cold.... and evil. "I am. Besides.... If you give them a way to defeat my most valueble weapon, I'll never be able to rule the universe."
    Aramis's eyes widened in shock and fear. Suddenly, Ramuun sunk her sharp vampiric teeth into the neck of her prey. I blood curdling scream erupted from Aramis's lips as the life was drained from her body. Ramuun simply continued drinking her dry, despite the thrashing of the body. Soon enough, Aramis's body lay limp and still. Dead. Ramuun tossed the body aside and wiped her mouth. "Servants! clean up this filth. I have work to do."
    The brown robed servants nodded and spoke, "Yes, Milady," as they set to burning the body.