• Rosette Magdalene Miyamoto was just a normal girl until she was transfer to tutorial dorms also called as Guardian dorms. She and six of her companions stops night class students or vampires to turn into their true selves and stops them from drinking the humans’ blood. Many Vampires tries to get Rosette because she is a vampire that can to manipulate living and non- living things and who ever drinks her blood, they will be powerful. Zero one of her companions feels a glimpse of love for her, that is why his always there at her side. The Chairman of the academy fears about Rosette’s memories, about her true self about being a vampire. One day, Rosebloom, a pureblooded vampire, seeks Rosette for revenge. Rosebloom’s parents were killed 10 yrs. ago by Rosette’s real parents. However, Zero finds a way for protection of Rosette. Rosebloom told the truth about Jodi, Zero’s older sister. Jodi, trapped Rosette parents’ in Zero’s bracelet a long time ago and tells Rosette that she is a pureblooded vampire. Days went by they discovered a solution to let Rosette’s parents free is she will kill Zero. As rosette heard this, she went directly to Zero and convinced him that they must separate. Zero wants Rosette to kill him because of his love for her. However, Rosette refuses to kill him. On the other hand, the chairman told them that it will be risky, they must transfer the bracelet to another person or vampire then kill him/her. Zero captures Rosebloom and forces her to wear the bracelet, zero and rapheal killed Rosebloom.