• I slide my feet into the cold water of the milk river, the clouded muddy water, gripping around my thin ankles and engulfing my lower legs. The rush runs over me as my legs begin to tingle and go numb, I Slide the rest of my body in and let myself stand at the edge of the bank, before taking a breath through quivering lips that are fading from the rosy color to a bright blue, the water surronds and laps around my neck and shoulders as The tips of my hair get wet, my clothes hang freely in the strong current that is coming from the middle.
    'why am I doing this?'Part of me askes, I just shake that side of me away and allow my body to move foward, the water moving and breaking as my tanned skin swims through it, soon I am in the middle and kicking hard to stay atop of the water, then all of a sudden I allow my legs to be taken, allowing the current to pull me down, allowing myself to be one with my soul and jjust give up hope. Letting everything go I breath out the air supply I had impulsivly taken and force myself to breath in the dark tendrils of water. The icy liqiud fills my veins as I begin to sink to the bottom, the current has taken me further down the river and it is deeper and darker here.
    The silence wraps itself around me, comforting me in the deepest levels of sanity. There is nothing now, no pain, no hurt. But yet I can feel myself crying the tears of past years, the pains I never let go. Never let out. Allowing everything to come out, here where no one can see me, or judge me. Nothing can touch me, nothing can hurt me. The pain comes out and I am letting go as I struggle and choke for air but force myself to go with the water, to die peacefully, right here.
    My vision begins to blur as the water sways my short fit body back and forth. A graceful dancer among the waves, I let out a short smile as someones face appears above me, their eyes get big as my big brother and his two friends stare at me below, smiling, they jump in and try to save me but my eyes close and my body goes limp as the life slowly drains from me.
    The next thing I know I am lying on the bank next to My brother and his friends, they are breathing hard and I am puking up water, then I start to cry and My older brother hugs me and whispers it will be alright