• "Hey Alice!." Jon called from across the room. She looked up and smiled... but not at him. Shelly was entering through the doors and waved at her. Tony and Jared hot on her heals like guards. Today was the first day of the wedding.
    Twenty two people at this wedding. All from different places, most knowing each other. Well unless your me. I just listen for names. Trying to fit in is so hard but I must try it. For what little sanity I have left. Time for the fun to begin. I picked the guest list and did a back ground check to see if they were good to play with.
    You see I'm not just the made of honor, I'm right at home on this Island. My sanctuary really. I knew how to survive on this Island once the final boat leaves today. Then the game begins.
    "Hey." A deep voice announced from behind me. I turned to see Sean strutting towards me. Chin raised, the Alpha male of the guys. Man I would just love to- "You have time for a dance?" The room had filled with music while I was thinking up my plan. Without my answer he took my hand and pulled me to him. One hand in mine the other on the small of my back he spun us around the room.
    "Why dance with me?" I tried to sound flirty but ended up sounding weird and off key in my ears but his eyes sparkled at that. The grip on my back moved a little lower. Okay I was wild but not like that. His eyes started to smolder. I ground my teeth to keep my smile in place.
    "Ladies and gentlemen thank you for attending my wedding." Wendy's voice echoed through the now very quiet room. "Now my husband I have something we would like to share with you."
    " Thank you again for coming to our wedding. We would just like to thank five special people who made this possible. Alice Green, Jon Soon, Shelly Smith, Jared Wilcox and finally Kelsey Wilbow." He started to clap and soon everyone was clapping. "Will you five please make your way to the front of the room." I escaped from Sean's grasp and headed for the front.

    After the brief ceremony I make an excuse and slip out into the night. I run. I could care less what happens to my outfit. It would be bad if someone found me now. A smile spread across my face, no let them come I would the chance to- a rustle in the bushes caught my attention. I looked around. Wow I ended up in the mill section of the woods.
    "Kelsey? What are you doing out here?" Sean. Just when I thought this night was gonna be boring. I winked, he almost ran over to me lust clouding his vision. I knew what I looked like but looks can be deceiving. I backed up to where the wood pile was. He followed like a obedient dog.
    I grabbed the ax the same time he grabbed my waist. His breath smelled of alcohol and the cool wood of the ax in my hand was soothing. Now lust clouded my eyes.
    The ax spun and hit him in the neck. He let out a pitiful little shriek. I didn't hit him very hard so he was still very much alive. A smiled and looked at the ax. Terror filled his eyes. I knelt next to him and he shrunk back when the ax grazed his nose.
    "Where's you confidence now? Sean? What your not gonna answer? I thought you had an answer for everything?" I smiled showing my teeth. I stood spun the ax.
    I swung the ax. It hit his knee cap and his mouth opened to scream but the first blow had taken care of that. I wipe blood spatter from my mouth, eyes and nose. I tilted his head towards me with the ax. "You better not have anything contagious." I looked at the leg then at the blade. "Sharp ax. I give Jared and Paul props for keeping this so sharp."
    I lowered myself to the ground and put the ax on his arm and started using it like a saw. Again he tried to scream but it came out a useless squeak and I laughed. When I got to the bone I had to actually work some. I smiled thinking of all the delicious things I could do with tools like this. Finishing with his arm I looked at him. His face was dripping sweat and he was bleeding from both major wounds.
    The smell of urine hit me then. I looked at him and shook my head. "Now why would you soil yourself. I'm just getting started." I frowned. "I've had blonds last longer then you without soiling themselves." He was a disappointment. Boring. I drove my ax into his ankle and there was a snap that me smile spread.
    Pain. My best friend ever since I was born it was my best aspect. When I wasn't torturing Barbie dolls then I was killing animals. Now at 20 I had upgraded to humans. I went to his only attached arm and spun it at a sharp angle and was granted with a sharp snap of the bone breaking like a twig under my foot. I laughed, the sound traveling through the forest.
    He was dead by now I knew that but I just hated to let my fun leave me so quickly. I spotted a pool of blood by his severed leg and knelt beside it. I trailed my fingur through it to make sure it had clotted then I gave the person who found him a secret message, "I love you. Save some fun for me!"
    "Time to get to work." I winked at the corps at my feet. I chopped off the other arm and arranged the limbs so they were side by side. I danced into the woods to find a stick and retrieved a four foot long one. I used a pocket knife from his pocket to carve the stick to a sharp point. The limbs would flop around if I put them on whole so I cut them in half and used the stick to shishikabob them. As I was sticking the stick in the ground I found two others the same size.
    I slowly slit the neck then used the ax as I knife to decapitate it. I used his knife to right in his forehead, "Faker." I shoved hid head on the stick put it slightly in front of the limbs and moved on to the torso. I just brought the ax down and cut the chest like a sandwich in four parts, sticking on the pole was the hardest because of the ribs but I managed. Sticking the third stick just to the other side of the head and back some.
    I lay on the ground watching the stars. I vaguely realized I was lying in a pool of blood but couldn't have cared less. I felt peaceful.
    I got to my feet and headed to my room. There I took a shower to erase the evidence of my obsession.
    "Wow killing people sure makes up an apatite." I laughed with my cat as I passed her a and headed to the kitchen. Cereal, that's what I wanted so that's what I got. Finishing it I was ready for bed. My cat, Carnage, jumped up next to me and together we fell asleep to thoughts of blood and peace.

    Sorry it's very bad. My first non-supernatural story... well just tell me the blunt truth.
    Luv Megs