• The next day was a hot afternoon, and all of the six contestants were lying on the floor, exhausted. Jesse finally came back out of the forest.

    "Who died here?" Jesse joked.

    "We are," Carmen said. "It's so hot."

    "Well then, it's your lucky day because I got a good challenge for you."

    "Does it involve water?" Paul asked. "I'm sweating so much that my underwear is getting tighter by the minutes."

    "Wierd but yes, it includes water. The challenge will be in the barn."

    All of the contestants rushed to the barn and accidentally ran over Jesse. Once in the barn, there were two buckets filled with sewer water that released a foul smell around the barn.

    "What is that smell?" Cathy asked.

    "It's the smell of your victory," Jesse replied. "Your challenge today is to bob for apples with only your mouth in those two buckets of sewer water. Anyone want to go first."

    No one bothered to raised their hands.

    "Okay! Due to popular audience demands, Dustin and Harrison will go first."

    "And by popular audience demands, you mean you," Max said.


    Dustin immediately plunged his head into the bucket of sewer water and pulled out an apple with his mouth.

    "Dustin win," Jesse announced.

    "Woah!" Cathy exclaimed. "How did you do that so quickly."

    "Back in U-ston, I used to put my head into the garbage nahn tahms a day," Dustin said, pretending to have a Texan accent. "I even have to faght some nasty critters myself. Boy howdy was that fun!"

    "He's freaky again," Max said.

    Cathy and Paul were next. Paul tried to get an apple but accidentally tipped over and fell into the bucket of sewer water. Cathy got her head out of the bucket with an apple in her mouth.

    "Cathy win," Jesse announced.

    Finally, it was Max and Carmen were next. Max slowly moved his head toward the sewer water while Carmen was deciding to wether get the apples or not.

    "I give up!" Max said and moved his head away from the bucket of sewer water.

    "Carmen win," Jesse announced.

    "Don't sweat it dude," Paul told Max.

    Carmen and Cathy hugged each other while Dustin ran around crazily and crashed into a tree.

    "You know, if I don't know any better," Max started, "I think Dustin is a-"

    Max's sentence was cut off by the noise of one of the bucket spilling.

    Harrison came to Max and asked, "What's a-"

    Harrison's sentence was cut off by the noise of the other bucket spilling.

    "You know," Paul said, "I think all of these noises are trying to stop us from saying that Dustin is a-"

    Cathy accidentally crashed into a pile of shovels.

    By the time everyone took an hour long bath except for Carmen, it was night time. Soon, everyone was in the mess hall, putting in their votes.

    "Alright," Jesse said, "the votes are in. The loser is..."

    Everyone was nervous of what would happen next.


    Max dropped his face.

    "You stay!"

    Max sighed in relief.

    "Carmen, stay. Cathy, stay. Dustin, stay. And Paul...stay."

    Harrison still have no idea that he was voted off and was kicked onto the bus by Jesse. The contestants waved goodbye as the bus drove off.

    "I'll miss that guy," Carmen said.

    "Don't worry," Cathy said, "there's other boys."

    "We should vote for Dustin off next," Max told Paul.

    "No arguing about that!" Paul exclaimed. "The guy's a psycho!"

    "Okay campers," Jesse said, "you better get a good sleep tonight because tomorrow will be an even scarier challenge!"