• it sucks. im gonna say that up front. -_-' and when the name infront of the :'s is who's talking, and the *'s means thats what they're doing, and the )'s mean its what they're thinking.

    kalley: ok, doc. y-you gunna make me betta? *sits down in the chair.*
    Doc: yes i am, miss... -er- kalley. (strange name... ah, well. as long as i get paid.)
    Kalley: okiedokie, whadda you do first? *hic up!*
    doc: (she's one of the looney's, all right...) first im going to say a word and you are going to say the first word that comes to your mind. ready?
    Kalley: yupperoney! *giggle*
    doc: *sigh.... stare * pizza
    Kalley: pizza.
    Doc: (oh, boy...) crazy.
    doc: ugh. stressed it has to be a different word, kalley. lets try ag-
    kalley: no it don't! it is whateva word comes to my mind the firstest! thats what you said! it is! it is! *starts hypervenalating*
    doc: okay! okay! (sheesh!) calm down! we'll do another exercize.
    Kalley: aw, great! now we gotta exercize? i came here to get un-sick, doc! hey, i've been wonderin, they say im sick, but im not coughin or sneezing or throwin up or any uh that stuff. why?
    doc: your a different kind of sick, your-
    kalley: OMIGOSH OHMIGOSH! OMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSH! *Starts jumping up and down* ITS.......UH.......SQUIRRLE!
    doc: that kind of sick... (have to survie 25 more minutes of this... hang in there...)
    kalley: GET BACK HERE SQUIRRLE!!!!! *jumps out window*
    doc: eek well, that gives me 25 minuts to relax untill saddie gets here...

    for now

    doc and sadie coming soon.

    doc: wait... theres gonna be a sequle? gonk i hate my job...
    me: yup! xd and you have to do it, cuz im the auther and i said so! or... wrote so... YOUR GONNA DO IT!