• Chapter 5: Change

    “Heeeeeeeeeeeey. Brad’s got himself a girlfriend!” was all that came out of Keith and Jake’s mouths.
    “She’s no….” Brad was interrupted when Miranda tugged on his sleeve. When he looked at her, she gave him a look that said that he should just go along with it. “Yea, I was hoping that wasn’t your first assumption, but you caught me! The good news is that she’s also our singer.” The other two men’s joking looks dropped suddenly and became completely serious. “Guys, we need a singer, and she’s absolutely amazing. You should be excited about this!” Brad said in response, trying to look as enthused as possible.
    “Our lyrics weren’t made for girl singers. Also, if we ever have a band party, it’s no longer ‘guys’ night out’. Anyways, you need our permission to do something like this,” stated Jake.
    “Guys, give her a chance. At least listen to her singing. I’m sure you’ll be just as excited as me once you hear it.”
    “Ok, give it a shot,” Keith said to Miranda, pointing to the microphone. “Sing whatever you would like, just something a little complicated.”
    Miranda sang a song that was very complicated. She had heard this one on the way to the small, rusty garage that belonged to Keith. Once she was finished, she looked at them. Brad had a satisfied look, while the other two held a face that was in as much shock as a bird after it hits a window. The bird thought it was flying into a tree, but it was never going to get in that ‘tree’. “Was that good enough?”
    Both boys nodded. “You’re in!” Brad shouted, doing nothing more than stating the obvious. “Oh, one thing. You’re going to have to write your own songs since we write masculine songs. We can help you, but you will have to do most of the work.”
    “Thank you! I’m sure I can manage,” she stated, running up to Brad and hugging him.
    After practice, Miranda and Brad got into the car and began to drive home. “What, are you crazy!? Why did you tell them we’re dating? Now they’re going to expect me to only want to be with you, and they’re going to expect me to be, like, all over you, if you know what I mean,” Brad angrily said to Miranda.
    “Technically, I didn’t tell them, you did. Anyway, I thought you told me you don’t want to leave me alone. Wouldn’t that explain things much better? Aren’t they more likely to believe you if you tell them you’re with me because we’re dating than if you told them I am here from the center of the universe to either bless or condemn the world, so you’re trying to save my life? If you told them that, they would look at you like, ‘What have you been smoking?’, wouldn’t they?”
    “Wow, you have been thinking about this answer, haven’t you?”
    “Just a little,” she answered, smiling and holding up two fingers to emphasize the ‘little’ part of the sentence.