• A sound of sirens went off, faint but close. A girl, around the age of 7, was hidden in the under bush, dirt and grim on her face.
    "Wow. They're fast." She said, and giggled to herself, with her dark purple bunny in her hand. The little girl had the strangest ice blue eyes,
    that made her look almost evil in the moon light the leaves let in. She took a skull hair pin out of her pocket, and pulled back her blond hair,
    that had red, dried splotches in it. "Momma and Daddy will love to hear tonight story, Liz, so let us go tell them." she said to her rabbit,
    and drew a heart with a fork through it in the dirt, then bolted out of the bush. She ran gracefully through the moonlight, a black silhouette
    fallowed close beside her, with a devilish look on it. If you judged this book by her cover, you would surely be wrong.
    The little girl smiled, as she walked to a grave stone and sat down on it. She put her hand on the cold stone, and giggled some more.
    "Mamma, Daddy, today I played with someone. He was fun. His name was Damien, and he said I was pretty. It was a shame to hurt him." she said,
    looking like an insane child to the Grave keeper in the door of the house next to the yard. The man could only see the girl giggling and laughing,
    and talking to the stones. Then he noticed her bunny wasn't at her side anymore. He looked down to see the purple doll, covered in dirt. The man stiffened,
    as he saw little sneakers. "Hello!" The little girl said, smiling. "That's my bunny. Can I have him back?" She asked, smiling as the man handed her her animal.
    "Thank you, sir. What is your name?" she asked, and the man swallowed. "Gerline. Gerline Frenz." He said, sweat rolling down his anxious and old face.
    The girl giggled, and smiled. "Will you play with me?" she asked, and smiled a smile that belonged to the devil. The man gulped, and knew he wasn't going to see
    the sun rise again.
    Licking her lips, the small figure smiled. "Mamma, I'm sorry you had to see that." She said, and picked up her blood splattered bunny.
    "Oh foo! I need to wash you now, Lizen!" She said, patting the dirt off her damp doll. She looked at the pile of skin and bones, and
    took the coat from it. "Mine." She said, slipping her arms through the too-long sleeves. She giggled, as she buttoned it up, and went
    inside the 'house' to find some money. Her last 'play date' had not given her much, so she needed to get more. She coughed, and looked
    around. Dust. She made a face at the dirty place, and sighed. 'Gotta hurry up.' Lizen said to her, and she sighed again. "I know,
    so shut up, Liz!" She said softly, but in an angered tone. 'You know I hate being called Liz.' the purple animal retorted in her head.
    "Didn't I tell you to-" she said, and cut off mid sentence as she heard the door slam shut.
    "Gerline! You owe me money!" a male voice. The girl stopped what she was doing, and looked for something to do. She found a book
    next to the bed in the room, and took it, sitting down fast. A tall man, in his thirty's maybe, came in, asking for 'Gerline'. Then he saw
    the little girl, reading a book about 700 pages long. "Hey little girl. What's your name, miss?" he asked, surprised. "Oh, I don't have a name.
    Well I do, but I'm not telling you." She said, giggling. "I'll call you miss. Why are you here, Miss?" "Oh, Gerline is my grandpa!"
    The girl said, smiling. "That's weird. He said he had no children. Why would he lie?" The man asked, more to himself than to her. "Oh, I would
    lie to you if I were him to, mister." 'Miss' said, smiling, and giggled. The man's eyes widened. "So you aren't his Grand daughter?" He asked,
    glaring at the 7 year old. "Oh, your so smart, mister. What took you so long, dummy!" The little girl said, her brows furrowed, and she
    had an angry, unsettling look on her face.
    "My name isn't mister, it's Lewie, and what is your business here?" He demanded and the girl hoped off the bed, and with one swift move
    she had a knife at his neck. "You don't make demands, Lewie." she said, and sneered his name. "O-o-okay." He said, backing up into the wall.
    "First, if I spare you, will you help me and work with me? Or do I do away with you now?" she asked, then smiled at him, her same devilish smile
    she had given Gerline. "I'll help." Lewie said, sweat coating him, and making him shiver from being cold.
    The girl took the knife back to her shoe, and smiled a sweet smile this time. "Then I do have a name.... It's Rin." She said, giggling,
    and went back to looking for some money, even though there was an adult to take care of her now.
    Death didn't seem like it would be to bad, considered it had been three days full of gore and blood that had traumatized
    Lewie. "Um... Rin? Could we take a break for dinner?" He asked, rubbing the nape of his neck, and sweating like a hog, because he
    was the one who had to drag the body's somewhere to hid them, including Gerline.
    "Huh? Sure! McDonald's sounds good!" Rin said, with a sweet smile on her blood splattered face. The red liquid looked like tears
    rolling down her cheeks. He frowned. "We had that two nights ago, and we need to clean you up in a non-populated place." Lewie said
    flinching as she raised her hand. She took her bunny off of her head, and nodded. "Lizen needs a wash too." She said, nodding to her
    'guardian'. She smiled. "How much money do you have?" she asked, pulling the back of her arm to her face, to wipe off the glistening
    liquid. Then she licked her arm, and Lewis made a face, and opened his wallet. "Um.. $300 and a debit card." he said, closing the
    leather that held his drivers license, his ID, and everything else important.
    "Good!" Rin said, and her smile changed devilish. "Can we go to your place?" Rin asked, and Lewie's eyes widened. He nodded,
    and smiled a fake smile to the devil in the 7 year olds body. He shuddered, realizing, that THIS is the form of evil itself. "Let's
    get going then!" she said, giggling.

    Arriving at 1432 Marine drive, Rin raised an eyebrow. "This is it?" She asked, staring up at the two story, blue house, which
    looked very interesting in the set of the moon, and the sunrise. Lewie nodded defensively, and walked to his front door, unlocking it.
    "Clean yourself and Lizen up, okay?" He asked, sighing as Rin passed him into the house.
    Lewie took a seat on his porch steps and put his face in his hands, and began talking to himself. "Man, why did I let her in my
    house? She's a lunatic killer for god's sake!" He mumbled to himself, then realized what he was doing. "OH man! She's driving me nuts!"
    he said, pulling at his hair. "I must be a lunatic to even talk to that little devil!" He said to himself, and heard someone begin clapping.
    "Well done!" Rin said, and glared. "Now, I'll have to punish you."
    With wide eyes, Lewie gasped, as Rin took off his blind fold. "Hope you like your present, dead man." She said, taking out a knife and cutting the legs of his pants, nicking his skin too. Then she nicked the skin on his face, in the shape of a fork through a heart. She laughed, and spilled gasoline every place she could around him, and then laughed some more. "Dead man." She repeated, holding his wallet, and smiled. "Bye!" She said, giggling and lighting a match with the bottom of her shoe, to throw on the wooden floor of the abandon 'manican palace'. Lewie made a face, and then yelled. he had gotten burned already. Then an idea came to his head.

    Rin walked down the street, back towards Lewie's house, and then stooped to see Lizen in the grass where she had left him. "Hello!" she said, picking him up and setting him on her head. It was about 6:00 in the morning and light were just coming on in most houses. 'Hello, Rin! Where is that annoying adult of yours?' he asked, and sneered the word adult. "Oh, Him and I just played with fire! It was fun, but he ended up bleeding first. I can't see how this always happens to my friends." She said, then took Lizen off her head to hold him out in front of her. She hugged him, and then added, "Except you! Your always with me in one piece." She said, and laughed.

    A short figure stood in front of the burning building, as fire fighters ran around, grabbing hoses and looking for a fire hiderent. They plugged the hoses in, and started dousing the fire, as the others went in to look for people. The girl stood next to one of the fire fighters, and listened as someone said that they had found a man, cut up, bruised, tied up, and had 2nd and 3rd degree burns. The little girl was holding a first aid kit, even though an ambulance was already there. "La la la la la." She hummed, under her breath as she waited for the men to come out with the burned patient. "Hurry up." She muttered to them, but was in ear shot of no one. Then she yawned, and sat criss cross on the cement, waiting.

    Lewie was being rattled around hard. He was burned, and in pain, and all around aggravated with the little girl who had done this to him. Being the man he was, (or wasn't), he would get back at her, even if it involved Lizen. He knew he would probably die, trying this plan out, but to him, it was worth it to make it so no one else suffered the same fate.

    The girl little, chubby, hands dug into her bag, and she took out a music player. An old one, with a CD already in it. She called the CD her 'work CD'. She pressed play, and music blared through her ears, as the men ameraged with a big, limp figure, and she grabbed her bag to rush over. "Is he alright?" she asked, music still blaring in her ears.

    Lewie looked to the little chubby girl, and smiled faintly. "I'm Lewie." He muttered, and that's all he could manage. "Well, I'm Lisa, and I'll help you." She said, reading his lips to see what he said. With a smile, Lisa took out a plastic knife, and smiled. Then she took out band aids. With a grim smile, he realized what was going on. 'Oh great. Another psychotic girl!' He thought, sarcastically to himself.