• The air lashed at my face as I strode to Alex.
    "Hey. You okay?" I rested my hand on his shoulder, but he just shrugged it off. I tilted my head and tried to listen if he was breathing again.
    "You know," He finally said, turning around. "There is more to mortality than asking people what their problems are." He said coldly, I flinched and took a step back.

    We were on a cliff over-looking the ocean. It was Alex's favourite place to be when he was feeling sad. And this was one of those sad momments.

    His long, black charcoal hair fluttered against his face as his bright blue eyes looked straight into mine. His eyebrows furrowed and he looked more confused than sad.

    "What's wrong?" I asked in a small voice. I cleared my throat. He narrowed his eyes and then shrugged before turning back around.

    "It's nothing, really." Was his reply. I couldn't understand. This was where he would mourn, and the only person he would ever talk to when he was in those times were me. Only me. Now he wasn't telling me what was going on.

    "Is this about your father?" I whispered, taking a step forwards and lifting my hand to put on his shoulder, but then I thought twice about it and let it swing to my side.

    "The fact that my dad is dead - isn't it." He sighed and I could almost feel the sorrow in him.

    The point was - a few days ago, his ~human~ father had died and now, without a mother and a father, he was orphaned. I knew exactly what was in his head at that very moment.

    "You wish that you were never a Vampire, don't you?" I asked him soflty. He let out a sniffle and nodded. With my sharp eyes, I could see a tiny drop of water drop to the sea.

    "Charlotte, for once," He started, trying to block out his saddened tone with anger. "I want you to stay out of my way." He turned and I could see that he really meant it.

    Me and Alex were best friends. From the very day that we were both turned into blood sucking killers, we always stuck together. This broke my heart to hear him say this.

    I let out a rapid rush of air and turned around to walk away.

    I heard rocks crumple and looked back to find that he was already gone.
    I fell to my knees and - for the very first time since I had turned into a Vampire - cried.

    My hope vanished for the future and I felt cold and lonely, and I curled up on the ground sobbing.

    I knew he was never going to come back. Ever.