• The calming night wind rustled the leaves of far off trees. A lake as smooth as glass reflected the full moon. Ripples disrupted the surface of the water as a pale pink petal floated down, carried by the wind, from the branches of a lone sakura tree. The dark green grass stirred in the breeze, glowing gently from the moon's light. In the distance, a single frog croaked, starting the nighttime chorus of all sorts of creatures. A gentle gust of wind pushed the sakura petal across the lake, guiding it toward the opposite shore where a small figure knelt, gazing at the moon.

    A silver tear rolled down the girl's cheek, caused by a sorrowful thought. A gentle movement caught her eye, drawing her gaze to the solitary sakura petal. She closed her eyes, rising to her feet. That single petal, carrying a message only she knew, had firmed her resolve. The girl turned her head away from the lake, looking toward the forest.

    The icy breeze swept her ebony hair, as if urging her on her way. The girl spared the lake and sakura tree a final glance before departing. Forsaking everything familiar, thoughts lingering on the only things she ever loved, she continued onward. Creating for herself a new life; to go forward, unable to turn back, leaving precious things behind, with no guarantee of seeing them again.