Michael and the man who had stolen his money just a few minutes ago weaved their way back through town. He kept an eye on him, but more because he wanted to know what and who this man was to catch the interest of his master. There was no other way he could think of so he just asked him.
“You see, I had just liberated koins from her as she walked past the front guards, I tell ya those two are worthless for protection, but anyway I hadn’t gotten a foot away from her when she grabs my arm, looks me in the eyes and says to me ‘your arm still has uses so I won’t rip it off. Instead I want you to do something, something only a rat can do’ a month later you show up. Though I was kinda hopin not to have to do what she told me.” The man said grudgingly.
“What did she want from you?”
“First; she wanted me to get a room, which I have done. Second floor, third room on the right is where we’ll be staying. Secondly; she told me to be your guide. At least until you reach Dralgo. If you ask me though the second thing is something I doubt either of us want so I will just point you in the right direction” the man stepped outside looking towards the south end of the plaza. “Take that route there; follow the path for about three days, though it depends on how bad you want to get there. Now that the second part of our deal is done I will-“
“No it’s not. She said for you to guide me to Dralgo, I intend to make sure the both of us are there… However horrible the next few days will be for both of us I will make sure you keep your end.” Kitan pushed the man into the building and quickly snatched his wallet. His reaction told him it was valuable. “You will get this back when I am in Dralgo. Until then I will need to know your name, calling you by the name thief may cause complications for me.”
The man eyed the pouch but shifted his gaze to Kitan and made an extravagant bow. “I am the humble keeper of equality, Axel Minitil.”
Kitan rolled his eyes and replied “Don’t try to sweeten what you do. You steal from people new to this place. You feign honorable intentions and care only about yourself.” Kitan pushed past Axel and up the stairs. He made sure to keep a tight grip on the money pouch.
“Why does this mean so much to you; your skills are impressive enough where it would only take a few days to get this back. Why does it mean so much?”
Axel was following him and when he heard Kitan’s words he slowed and eventually stopped in the doorway. “It was my mother’s… before the Great Divide she used to make things and sell them in the market place. When this town was overrun by the Dolyon Empire’s troops. She was killed. It’s all I have of her.”
Kitan held it up and looked at it in a new light. He sighed and tossed it back to Axel.
He heard Axel laughing. “Man you are gullible! I can’t believe you fell for a story like that.”
Kitan shook his head and muttered to himself “Once a thief always a thief. I will hold you to your word or I will turn you in right now.”
Axel nodded “Yeah yeah.” He looked out the window. The sun was near to almost gone. “Go ahead and get some rest, I have ordered our food to come to the room so no worries.” Kitan saw him lay down on the bed next to him. “Don’t worry I may be a thief but I am the best thief you’ll ever find, so I wont skip out on our deal.” Kitan took that as what it was and relaxed. Kitan went outside and finished up getting what he needed for the trip. He got supplies enough for two people. It left him very little money and he decided when he got there he would find a way to get what was needed to enter the tournament. Kitan made his way back to the inn and back to Axel. On his way he passed the fountain he saw when he first arrived. A woman was sitting there, painting on something. He decided to not scare her so he walked up to her and still from a distance he waved and said hello. She was too engrossed in her painting to notice him. He continued walking towards her. He reached her after a few moments and stood in front of her. He looked over the top of the canvas and saw what she was painting. It was magnificent. The fountain was surrounded by animals, all grazing. Above there were birds of many kinds. Ones he had never seen before.
“You’re very good ma’am, have you been doing this long?” Kitan said amazed at what he was looking at.
It must have startled her because she dropped the brush and looked up at him. His words being sorted through in her head. She recovered; blushing at his words. She picked up her brush and put it aside. “Thank you sire. I have been doing this for a few years.” She looked back up to him and smiled. “My name is Jade. Jade Nichols and yours?” She asked rising from her seat.
He returned the smile and took her hand, kissing the back as he bowed. “Namathorn, Kitan Namathorn. Do you always do scenery paintings?” He asked, both of them sitting down. He sat in front of the canvas but on the side of the fountain wall. She took her place as she was before.
She shook her head replying “No I have tested my skills in painting people as well. That is what I do best. Scenery things like this are just a hobby of mine.” She squinted at him and he wondered if he had something on his face. He was about to ask when she spoke.
“Would you mind? Sitting in for me to paint? I like to draw new people I meet so I have something to remember them by.”
He nodded and positioned himself the way she wanted. “Just sit there and be casual looking. It shouldn’t take too long. I just have to get the outline of your body and then I can fill it in as I see.” He nodded again and she began. She instructed him to look at her, and he did. She went to work and remained silent for a good amount of time. As Kitan sat there looking at her he began to notice things. Her hair, an auburn color; like that of a tree’s leaves in the fall. Her eyes were the color of the sky in the mid afternoon. When she smiled at him he noticed she had a dimple only on her left cheek. It made him smile as well and she softly instructed him to smooth his face. He removed the smile and she resumed her work. She began to look at him less and less as time went on and eventually stopped looking at him entirely. He didn’t know if she was done or not so he didn’t move. Jade’s hand was moving with a quickness of that of a professional. Kitan noticed what she had for belongings on the ground in between her feet. It was just a small bag with a blanket sticking out and a few knives. She must be a traveling artist and must be able to protect herself. Kitan thought to himself.
“Done, you can relax now, thank you Kitan. So what do you think?” Jade asked turning the canvas to him.
The painting was very well indeed. Almost life like to him. He replied “Wow, I can see why you are so good. It looks like I am staring into a mirror. Do you travel and do this for nobles?”
She gave him a slight shake of her head, thought about it, then nodded. She added “I don’t just do it for noble families. I travel from place to place doing it for whoever catches my eye. Here it was you.” He blushed and it made her laugh. “Forgive me I didn’t mean…”
He held up a hand and shook his head. “No worries. How much for do I owe you?”
“Nothing, this one lets say was just for me.” She stood up and gathered her things. “Good bye Kitan, I pray you a safe journey. Who knows we may run into each other again.” She turned and headed down a path towards the eastern end of the city.
Kitan shouted to her “Then next we meet, I will make it up to you!”
She just lifted a hand and waved back to him as she turned the corner. He smiled as she left his sight. When he returned to the inn, Axel was already asleep. Kitan saw that the food he had sent up for both of them was already eaten. Both of them; Kitan paid it no mind, he just put his stuff down and went to sleep. The next morning was very unwelcoming. Axel was already gone; Kitan woke instantly getting his things and rushing downstairs. As he turned the corner into the common area, Axel was chatting with one of the women who worked at the inn. Kitan sighed and joined him. The lady bowed and left them to fetch some food for him, when she returned he said his thanks and took the food.
“So I was thinking, we leave after we eat and we should make it to the Tontuil Inn. A nice place where I have a few favors they owe me. They can give us a room for free so we can save the little money we have until we reach Dralgo.
Kitan raised his eyebrow and said “We? What’s this ‘we’ you keep saying? The money I have is MINE, last I checked you tried to steal it remember?”
“I gave it back didn’t I? How bout if I repay you whatever I use? You know I’m good for it.” Axel said in between bites.
“By stealing from other people; I don’t think so.”
Axel just rolled his eyes and remained silent. They finished their food and gathered their things. Once outside Kitan realized Axel wasn’t behind him. He waited a few moments for him to join him. Kitan was beginning to get impatient when he heard a commotion inside followed by a woman’s scream. Kitan was about to check it out when Axel ran by, grabbing him and hauling him in the direction of the southern gate. He let go once he knew Kitan was following him freely.
“What did you do this time?!” Kitan said to him as the two weaved in and out of the people.
“Nothing, I just grabbed a bite for the road… and maybe kissed his daughter for the entertainment last night.” Axel said defending himself. He saw the look Kitan gave him and added. “She was more than willing, I forced nothing onto her.”
Kitan grumbled to himself. He’s as bad as Gnal was, maybe worse. “This better not be a preview of the rest of this trip with you.” He said threateningly as he dodged an old woman, side stepping around her. Axel smiled and gave him a mock applause as he himself slid under a table, losing no ground and staying in step with Kitan. After a few minutes of running Axel and Kitan slowed and eventually stopped running. They caught their breaths at the corner leading to the southern entrance. Kitan had to admit, it felt like old times. He was actually smiling and when Axel mentioned it he forced it away; replacing it with a shake of his head. “Shut up and let’s go.” Kitan instructed as he headed for the entrance. Axel laughed to himself and jogged to catch up. The two left the town and began their trek to Dralgo. Kitan was annoyed with Axel and made sure he knew it. When Axel tried to spark up a conversation Kitan would ignore him and continue walking.
“You know, you were having fun back there, I saw that smile you can’t hide the fact you know. C’mon talk to me, this is going to be a longer trip than you think if your not going to make a little effort.” Axel said trying to persuade him to talk.
“What goes through that head of yours to make you do the things you do?” Kitan retorted.
Axel just shrugged his shoulders, and hooked his hands behind his head. “I don’t know, I just think about it and do it. I know whatever happens I got someone watchin out for me.”
Kitan looked at him as he walked along side him. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that every time something bad was happening I have felt this presence like it was watching out for me, protecting me you know? You ever feel that way?”
Kitan looked ahead of them as he thought about it. He remembered all the times him and Gnal used to get into trouble and Kitan would make it out unharmed. “I guess I have.” He said quietly.
Axel was silent for a few hours, which made Kitan nervous. He was beginning to realize that when he was speaking he was alright, when he was silent, something was troubling him. If I have to travel with him I guess I have no choice but to help him.
“What’s got you so quiet Axel?”
Axel stopped and looked back down the path they had come. “Nothing really, its just this is the farthest I have been away from that place.”
“Then how do you know about Tontuil Inn?”
“When you live in a place as lively as that you hear things. Honestly I haven’t been away from there, ever.” Axel turned and smiled, continuing down the path. “I can’t wait to see what Dralgo is like. I bet…”
Axel went on and on about things he was hoping to see and events that took place in Dralgo. He told Kitan about all the things he had heard. From the exotic dancers in the inn’s to the Gladiator Arena. Axel was so excited when he mentioned all the noble families there. He kept repeating to Kitan about how the noble families would spend large quantities of money on things like outfits and weapons that they would never wear more than once or ever use to save their lives. Axel talked about how every few years they held a tournament to commemorate the people who fell during the Great Divide.
“Is that why your going? You heard they were going to have it take place this year and wanted to test your luck?”
Kitan gave him a slight nod adding “Not exactly my only reason but yes. My master instructed me to join. To show the world that her style of fighting has survived and was passed on. That and something else.”
Axel didn’t push the subject. He was finally getting him to talk and he wanted to continue to have it. “What are you going to do afterwards?”
Kitan shrugged his shoulders but smiled as he said “I don’t know, but I will most likely go out and travel the world. I want to see all the things I heard from the merchants that came to my village.”
Axel nodded. Silence returned for the next couple hours. As the sun reached it’s highest point. The two stopped to take a break and eat. As they ate Axel kept muttering to himself.
Kitan was getting annoyed by it.
“What are you saying over there?”
Axel surprised by his voice, replied “Wha? Oh, in all the commotion I left my axe. It wasn’t important or anything but it cost a pretty penny.”
Kitan was about to retort with something about stealing but Axel beat him to the punch. “It was the only thing I bought with my own money thank you very much.”
Kitan laughed to himself and ate. Once they finished they resumed their trek. It went by slowly until about when the sun was halfway between the horizon and its tip when Axel blurted out.
“Look, that’s Tontuil Inn! Now let me do the talking and we will have a room for the night.”
Kitan smiled and the two of them picked up their pace. They made it to the inn by the time the sun was just touching the horizon. Axel added something about making it in time but Kitan paid it no attention. He let Axel go in and do what he wanted. It was silent so he took it as a good sign.
“Get out of here you lecherous snake! I owe you nothing except a swift kick for what you did when I first opened! You’re the reason I had to move further down this barren road!” a deep, manly voice shouted from inside. The next instant Axel was flying through the air landing on his stomach. Kitan rolled his eyes and walked off. Axel was dusting himself off and shouting back to the man on the other side of the door. After he said what he wanted, Axel caught up to Kitan and the two of them found a place off the road to rest.
“Sorry about that. I was hired a few months back to get traveling people to stop at his place. I sent a man to him who ended up stealing from him. They caught him and returned what was stolen but he had gotten a bad reputation so he was forced to move further down the road. I was hoping he had forgotten about me.”
Kitan simply replied. “You’re a hard person to forget.” Axel smiled and puffed his chest out, taking it as a compliment.
Kitan just rolled his eyes and finished setting up his sleeping bag.
The two went to sleep waking to the man’s voice shouting for them to get out of sight of his place, or else. They quickly gathered their things, and went on their way before he came out to act good on his threat. Most of the day, Kitan realized was of them running away from trouble caused by Axel. Because of all the unintentional attention, they had made great time in making it to Dralgo. By the time the sun had reached the peak, the two of them started to
see the tips of the wall surrounding Dralgo.
Axel was laughing as he walked backwards saying to Kitan “Hah, thanks to me we made it in two days. A trip like that would have taken four but thanks to me we made it in two, what do you have to say to that?”
Kitan sighed and said “I am grateful… to your ‘help’ in getting to Dralgo as quickly as possible.”
Though if you ask me, I could have done without the running, and the sleeping outdoors. I haven’t washed myself in days thanks to him. Kitan thought to himself. The two of them made their way inside. It was much bigger than Ulralon. The walls themselves were much more fortified. Its insides were filled with much more people than Ulralon. The ground itself was in a much fancier way than Ulralon. Buildings that blocked the sun every so often, as if to reach towards the heavens. He was even amazed that it had a pond inside the walls. People were everywhere and Kitan was beginning to feel claustrophobic. His head was spinning and he felt he would have tripped over himself if Axel hadn’t steadied him.
Axel, while supporting Kitan waved his free hand in front of them and said with a smile “Welcome to Dralgo, the beginning of the best adventure you’ll ever have.”
Dreams and Legends Ch. 5
5th Chapter to Dreams and Legends.
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