• You have just got out of school and you are talking to Mimi on your cell
    "I am so sad," you said "I can't even ask out a guy out. But then again who wold want to go out with me crying ."
    "Maybe you need yo be more positive like me everybody likes possitive people 3nodding ." Mimi said
    "Lets forget this now... neutral " You said
    "well ok sad bye."
    " Bye."
    You put cell in your pocket and begin on your way. After a while you realise that you are lost sweatdrop . You end up in the park and it's getting dark you are REALLY scared now but you keep going soon you hear heavy breathing and rustling eek .
    The rusting gets louder from the corner of your eye you see a a figure go across the path behind you.
    You turned around
    "HELLO! ... Hello." and turned back around and saw... a stranger laying against the lightpole. The stranger was a boy about your age with blond hair. He looked very tired and is breathing hard. You run to him to help but Suddenly he jumps up and... hugs you! question
    "I sorry so very sorry for what i'm about to do..."he says you look into his eyes they look so cold and are very red then he...
    Sorry this is all i have now
    P.S. This is you
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    This is the stranger lol
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