Cresting the hill, Erica scanned the horizon. The human paladin had been trekking through the plains of Nagrand for some time now with her friends Gerrik, a dwarven hunter, and Desmond, a fellow human from the newly acquainted legion of Death Knights. They'd so far faced every challenge in Outlands together without issue. Her skills at mending wounds were unmatched and no force alive could withstand Desmond's awes--AHA! THERE'S THE OGRE VILLAGE SHE WAS LOOKING FOR! The map said North East but it really meant North-North East.
As the group proceeded in their march toward the village they discussed tactics.
"Gerrik, you and I shall take the charge. Be sure to scout out the nearest huts for ogres, you want a good perch to make the most of your rifle. Erica, you stay close to me. I can best guard you that way." Erica suspected he may have feelings for her, but her heart was still struggling to trust him. She wanted to, he'd proven himself fiercely loyal and repentant of his past. As a Death Knight he had done unspeakable acts under the command of the Lich King and such acts could not just be over looked...but perhaps his freedom from that control and his seeking forgiveness was a sign she could return his affection in due time.
Gerrik turned to speak when a loud shouting disrupted them. "Oh thank the Light! I wasn't sure anybody would come in time!" Turning towards the voice, the group was surprised at the sight of an elderly human man. He looked worn out and tired, as though he had been through a struggle of some sorts. "There was a little girl with me and she was captured by the ogres! Please, you have to help me! They took her up into that cave! I can only imagine what they would do with her and I wouldn't dare to think it."
Their mission was simple; find the village. This was not their problem, but Desmond looked Erica in the eyes. Of course she wanted to help, but just in case, well, who are we kidding? A little girl was kidnapped by ogres and they're a bunch of heroes. This should be a given.
Before Gerrik could object Erica and Desmond accepted the task. Lifting their weapons and focusing their sights, they charged towards the cave at the top of the hill over-looking the village. Gerrik could be heard cursing his luck as he called on his pet panther to aid him in their rush. Between gun shots, the feline roar and shouts of ogre pain could be heard but Desmond and Erica were as focused as could be; there was only the cave, everything else did not matter. The two charged head first, only a second too late seeing the over sized behemoth ahead of hem. He would easily be three times the size of even the largest ogre if he were to stand from his sitting position on the floor. The great hammer at his side, scarred with many apparent victories, was a testament to his strength. This, they thought, must be the lord of these ogres. With the spines growing from his knuckles and back, the sheer bulk of muscles rippling across his body, the pool of blood beneath his--
Wait, what? Blood?!
"Oh no! We're too late!" Erica gasped, horrified at the thought of the poor little girl, eaten by this monstrosity. Tears began to well up in her eyes and she lifted her sword to end the cretin when Desmond reached out and placed his arm across her chest.
"Calm yourself, things are not as they appear." Desmond was by far the most seasoned of fighters amongst them and his advice was considered sage in such matters. Erica gathered herself and scanned the room further.
"Why isn't it fighting us?" Erica had only just noticed it wasn't...oh of course. It's dead!
"The question, now, is where is the girl?" Desmond turned to Erica who felt as bewildered as Desmond looked.
"A little girl?! A little-I can't believe you people!" A small gnome warrior appeared from behind the ogre lord, carrying a gore-ridden ax. She finished strapping a shoulder plate down as she tossed a filthy, torn up, white dress to the middle of t he room. "I thought we were allies! How do you not know what a gnome looks like? I look nothing like a child! I'm a grown woman!"
"Yes, yes you are and just the cutest one ever at that!" A familiar voice chimed in from behind the pair, startling them further. It was the man from before only now he looked refreshed, strong and his clothes were more obviously of a higher rank than they'd thought. He was obviously a powerful priest.
"Wow. Saul, you are just the coolest guy ever. I could kill you." The gnome waddled past Desmond and Erica, barely taller than their knees, ignoring their presence as she made her way to the priest.
"Now, Squittles, be nice. That was funny. You have to admit it. I mean, come on! How often do you-" his words ended as she kicked him in the shin, the impact of which left an echoing smack about the cavern. As he began to hobble and whimper and mend his injured leg with his magics, the gnome paused at the cave entrance. She turned to Desmond.
"Did you know my sister?"
"You're a Death Knight, right?"
"Yes, but-"
"Did you know my sister? She was a Death Knight too, she was a little taller than me, she had green eyes and her name was Emiily. Did you know her?"
"There were a lot of gnomes. But no, I'm sorry. Why?"
"Because I heard she's still out there and I want to find her."
"Well, not all Death Knights are proud of what-"
"And I'm going to kill her."
The priest approached Squittles, patting her on the head gently, before whistling a Netherdrake down from the sky for their ride. Erica could sense the pain in the pair of them and decided whatever their mission was it was likely beyond her and her friends.
"If we ever see you again I hope it's under nicer circumstances." Erica hoped the remark would sound as friendly as she intended it.
"Yeah, I'm sorry I messed with you folks. I just couldn't resist. We've got a meeting with a warlock in a little while or we'd stay and chat." As the drake began to flap its wings for take off, the gnome took a sip from a flask and hid it away in her belt as the priest whispered something to her.
Watching the odd pair fade into the distance, Desmond let out a sigh. Placing his hand on Erica's shoulder, he motioned for them to get moving. Exiting the village and returning to the town they were sent from, Erica struggled to shake the feeling of sadness she got from the gnome. Just as she was beginning to think she may have to mention it to the others, Desmond took her hand in his, a smile melting away her worries and unease. She was happy in that moment and wouldn't let another's problems bog her down.
"So, Gerrik, how 'ya been?"
"After tellin' the kids I'm goin' fer a wee stroll? Damn fine, lad. Y'know that, I been keepin' in touch with ya plen'y." Saul and Gerrik exchanged looks over a few ales in the back of a tavern in the refugee district in the city of Shattrath.
"How're the kids?"
"They're dandy. I swear, they're the most boring couple you've ever had me follow. What do you need them for anyway?"
"The girl's the daughter of some big wig. The boy is anybody's guess. Probably the same case, I don't care." Saul takes a big gulp of his ale and places the mug back down to face Gerrik. "Go on. You want to ask it, I can see it in your eyes."
"Alright, I'll bite; who's the little'un? Since when you been takin' a likin' to the wee folk? I know you aint the type to raise hell, but that'un's a mystery even to me. What's the reason?"
"I owe a favor to a friend in the Silverwing Sentinels. Apparently the gnome worked for them. She was damn good too. The catch is she seemed a little crazy so when she decided she was going out into the world and was going to quit being full time help...well, I'm the baby sitter."
"That seems a little beneath you if'n you don' mind me sayin' so. Since when have you cared?"
"She's a good person, but there's a lot of pain bottled up beneath that button nose and those twinkly eyes. Gnomes lost a lot when their city was destroyed but I think she took it worse than most. I'll tell you this; she watched her husband, who she loved more than anything else in the world, be torn apart by the Troggs."
The silence at the table was deafening. Gerrik didn't want to lift his mug to take a sip and he didn't want to say anything. That's a horrible fate. Nobody should have to go through that and the wee lass was so cute. Who would do that to people as kind as the gnomes? But the moment was shattered when his pet panther stirred in its nap, the loud purring giving Saul the reason he needed to finish off his own ale.
"So, yeah, like I said, I owe her a favor and this one's got my own interest. I'm retired, I'm not into that whole 'save lives and police the wicked' crap anymore. But this is just something I want to do. She's so close to closure and I'm just so bored I figure why not?" Saul lowered his eyes from Gerrik's, focusing intently on the table. Saul had a wife and a daughter and he'd thought he'd lost them to the Scourge. He didn't, so he could only imagine the pain but it was enough to grip him. He understood his old friend's fear; that gnome could very well be a problem. If her skills and ferocity were to be warped and turned for evil...well, the Lich King's call could be felt by all. Someone like her needed to be safeguarded.
"You're afraid she'll turn."
The two sat a moment. Standing to shake hands, they quietly parted ways. Just outside the tavern, Saul called back to Gerrik.
"Lemme know if the kids start acting up. Last thing I want is for that to head south."
"Aye. And don' be afraid ta ask for any help ya might need."
"Of course."
Saul sat on the edge of the bed where Squittles lay restlessly. Her dreams of late had been particularly fitful and she needed monitoring to keep her calm. If she didn't rest she'd be vulnerable to the Lich King's call. Patting her forehead with a cold, damp cloth, Saul thought to himself about all the nights he'd missed with his own daughter when she was young. How many times had he been gone and she'd needed him? Her mother assured him it was no issue but he'd always missed them. Such was the price of love over such distances and much time had passed. His daughter was grown now and she made her own choices in the world. He had hoped to find her and adventure with her at some point but she'd grown to hate him for his absence. He couldn't blame her.
"No...please..." Squittles started to make a face, cringing as though she might cry. Dipping the cloth back in the cool water, Saul hummed softly as he calmed the fitful gnome. Her face relaxing, she pressed her curled up form against him, finally resting. Saul sighed heavily before blowing out the candle and letting himself fall asleep as well. It's gonna be a long journey, he thought, but at least it'll be one hell of a story.

- Title: Love Luck and Lolipops
- Artist: Nukeleo
- Description: I like to write short stories so this is one of many. I took to writing about my characters in World of Warcraft a while ago, a human priest and a gnome warrior, and found the idea of developing their personalities entertaining. I later re-rolled horde, but that's another story. So, that said, remember that this is a work of fan-fiction and though the things these people do are my ideas it's Blizzard to thank for the world and racial flavors. Feel free to comment.
- Date: 06/04/2009
- Tags: love luck lolipops worldofwarcraft warcraft
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