Mon anneau, mon amour: One.
Serena Koffler examined herself in the mirror critically. It was a great pity to her that she was so short that she was the shortest person in her class because she was shorter then everyone else in the class. Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad for Serena if she had been a slim, delicate slip of a girl, but as it was she was built like an Amazon and she didn’t know any boys who were into the whole ‘warrior babe!’ look so she was still currently single.
Serena had very brown coloration. Her skin was a chocolate color, like milk chocolate, neither white chocolate nor dark chocolate. Her slanted brown eyes were like two tiger-eye gems and her fine, straight, neck-length hair was the color of amber. She wore her hair in a simple, business-like style.
Today, Serena had decided to wear her silver high heeled pumps. Brushing her hair off of her high cheekbones which weren’t actually all that high but were higher then normal or at any rate high enough to be noticeable, Serena concluded that the effect was hideous.
“Oh how horribly horrendously hideous I look!” She lamented. “What will Christian Prime think of me if I wear this?”
Christian was the quiet boy that Serena was hopelessly in love with, forever and forevermore. When Serena closed her eyes, she swore she could see him before her! His almond shaped blue eyes, like two windows on the afternoon sky, his thick, straight white hair which was so long and so impractical and yet so elegant, his tall, towering height, making him the tallest boy in the class, his graceful build, his light-colored skin, his nearly non-existent eyebrows and weak chin! Serena had fallen in love with him the moment she had first spotted him!
She remembered back to the day she’d first spotted Christian… She’d just handed in her English assignment to her English teacher, Mr. Ted Guss, although everybody called him Mr. Guss. Mr. Guss put Serena in mind of a precise clock, with his droopy chocolate-colored eyes, his fine, straight ivory hair that made her think of a pile of leaves, his short broad-shouldered build, his pale skin, and his small ears. He’d been wearing a wifebeater with the word ‘HOOTERS’ on it in orange print on that particular day.
“Your work is very good, Serena!” He’d beamed. “Ah, Christian, let me read your homework assignment-“ He’d said, then he’d turned even paler and gasped. “Christian! Your work is horrible, deplorable, and terrible! What do you have to say for yourself?!”
And then Serena had turned to see the most beautiful boy she’d ever met- Christian Prime, who stood there serenely staring at Mr. Guss’s shirt for some reason! “I dunno.” He’d said. And at that moment, Serena knew that this boy, so humble, so honest, and so beautiful, had been made for her.
“You do not know what to say for yourself?! Well then from now on, you’ll be working with Serena Koffler, who is much better then you at this class!” Mr. Guss announced, and he threw down Christian’s assignment onto his desk. “And you get a D minus!” He added.
At that moment, Serena could have kissed Mr. Guss, except for the fact that he was her teacher. To work with this angel, no matter how terrible he may be at English, would be nothing short of heavenly!
And from that day forth, Serena had always worked with Christian in English. But he seemed so shy and distant, afraid to get close to her! Serena was positive that he must have a dark and mysterious past, and she was eager to find it out.
Fortunately, she had come up with a present that was sure to melt his heart. And today, she would give it to him.
Mon anneau, mon amour: One.
Kate will BRB
In which we meet our heroine and learn her motivation.
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