GREETINGS traveller, you have found my booklet.
    it is my records of my life through my eyes

    legend may have it that i was a unkind blood thirsty monster.

    that may be true. but how can you lable a monster when all you hear of them it is its exploits from a human perspective.

    i am nor man or demon, but i am both, i have described my life in detail for the next prophet to find and lead the life i have fought to protect.

    but this booklet here is a gathering of my thoughts, a chance to defend myself from beyond the boundries that tie us to this world.

    chapter 1: thoughts

    DEMONS... HUMANS... what are we but speicies?

    a demon kills for food ... like a human kills a cow for food
    a demon hunts its prey... like the human hunts demons
    a demon fights for its land and protection... as do the kings men and the humans.

    a human builds homes and raise children ... as do demons.
    a human claims morals like dont kill your own... demons also have morals... but they are never seen as decent... if you were a tribesman and one dies you eat yourown to savour a battle with humans.

    I AM sick of being called DEMON by the humans... i live by human rule
    I AM sick of being called human by the demons ... for i share both bloods.

    but that is just the life i was given...

    chapter 2: battles

    war... what is a war...but a series of battles... my staff seek blood and like that of a rabid dog, once it has tasted a drop the thirst becomes uncontrolable...

    i have found myself becoming a bountyhunter ... just killing for gold.
    my demon side has defeated me...
    i am the most feared, and most famouse bounty hunter in the land.
    i am called high and low to and fro.

    is this my destany? to kill ... to become the destroyer...
    humm the prophecy states that i am to destroy this land so that it may be reborn by me???

    how how can this be.. am i also the saviour... do i try to change myself ... is this destruction i cause the salvation of this very life.

    do i exist to follow this prophecy? who wrote it, was it the eldars, was it my master and father Ranshi?...
    i do not know... i am truly lost within myself.

    chapter 3. change

    it has been many years now... and already i feel that i cant controll this darkness that has folled my rule under the flag of peace...

    my bounty days have long ended and i just seek to tame this land under one united law... but even i question my law that i am enforcing on the people.

    i cant belive i have come to this... killing the innosent peoples... children, women, even warriors of my own army, why...

    is this just the plan of the eldars... have a demon of black heart destroy all they have created.

    or is their plan for me to lure all the darkness out and for me to lead them to the light...
    yes it seems that way....

    chapter 4 the push

    i have now been leading the dark forces forward but i have not let it drag me down anymore,
    my army follows me in fear and there has been a few attempts on my life ... i feel they have noticed that i a working as if i was commanding an army of light, but i have not let them know my intentions... if all goes well i can lead a set of fearfull demons into a civil war againts my amounting enemys...

    once the humans see that we demons are fighting ourselfs maby they will interviene and help our side to push the darkness back to the nightmare realms.
    but i know the humans fear me... so i need to gain theire trust.

    chapter 5: incarseration

    i have finnaly got my book back after nogtiations went wrong, i feel that my army will come to free me but i have told the humans that if i wanted to invade them i would not have come alone.

    maby my army has concluded that i am dead and have now formed a new allience.
    if so then i can barter for my life with the demonic tactics and maby if i teach these peoples of the land we can rid the humans of the demons...

    yes... yes... the prophecy... it is all unfolding... i can do that... if i give up info while incarserated maby they can join my dark army... humans and demons fighting together against a greater evil???

    if only i could be certain.

    the final chaper: all or nothing

    i have convinced the humans to meet my army... the humans have said they have converted to our army.. and surrendered themselfs to me... and i hope my loyals will arrive to recive orders like i have requested... if not then we will destroy these demons forever...

    it has been days since my last entry...
    my army has arrived and is working with the humans... there is a lot of tention...
    but i will prepare now ... this is the last entry...

    unless we succede in this final push to fullfill the prophecy...

    we did it...... we pushed them all back.... this war has ended... and i have a lot to answer for.
    but i have done what was written by the prohets...
    i will die... as i lived ... a warrior.

    there is no shame in y life , no regrets, all i hope is that the next one can finnalize the ballence..
    eventhough this land is peacefull there is little darkness to defy its grace, the peole will eventually dis arm and fall into a scilence...
    that day will mark a new beginning for the darkness will rise.

    if the rise of darkness shall win... then its chaos will rip the world apart.

    harmony is both light and darkness.
    i did all i did to keep the balence.

    i hope some one finds this ... in the future... for if it is not discovered before the time of peace then all may be lost....

    i fear to give this to anyone to prove my innosence for i am not innocent, and this with all the documents seised would be distroyed..

    may the eldars shine on you.

    Mara'kor the wight souled warrior.
    the black haert demon.