• It was dark. Too dark to even see the grooves of the wall I was enclosed in. The only light came from my glow in the dark watch, but I could hardly see the time since it was draped over the table in the corner. I knew it was a table because of the illuminating light my watch gave off. It was a circular table, with three legs in the middle. Not very big, but big enough to seat three people. And that's what it was doing.

    They completely ignored me, other than glancing to see if I was still tied to my chair. Like I could even sigh if I wanted; my chest was going numb. My wrists hurt, my arms were cramped and my butt was sore from sitting for so many hours. Even my eyes hurt. I did not want to sleep; if I slept, they would move me, and I didn't want their hands on me again.

    "So what are we going to do with her now? They know we have something to do with it." A man with shoulder length black hair gestured to me with his left thumb. I pretended to sleep, but I strained my ears. I knew they looked over at me then because I could hear their chairs screeching against the concrete floor. It was all I could do from trying to cover my ears; I hated that sound and they did it constantly. "The cops already checked out Barty. Sam and I have to be careful now. What did they ask, Barty?"

    They turned back, I could tell, so I opened my eyes again. A tall and skinny man looked over at the long haired man. "I already told you, Potter. They came to me at work, asked me if I saw this girl before, told them no and they looked at me suspiciously. Told me to go to court and testify, since we have a witness. I told you I shouldn'ta been the one to grab her! Everyone around there knows me!"

    I looked at the table again. They were all illuminated by my watch. I squinted to see the time. All I could make out was that it was one something AM. Why can't they leave so I can rest and put my brain back into relax mode? I mean, I've been on red alert since I got here at what? nine AM the previous morning? Wow, had it already been almost a day? It seemed like a couple hours ago I said good bye to Danny after leaving the cafe and was herded.

    I heard the chairs again but I didn't get my eyes closed in time. The one named Barty yelled. "Oi! She's up, finally!" He came over to me as if he were going to buy a coffee, like he did before following me after work. I already hated his guts. I felt like stretching my leg up and into his crotch but I resisted, knowing what would cost me. "Hey sugar. Had a good sleep?"

    I just glared at him. I took a breath and retorted to his smiling face, "If I had a good sleep, you'd be long dead and gone and in a hole dedicated to the runts of the family." I had no idea why I said "runts," because this guy was obviously not the runt of the family, but I apparently touched a couple buttons. He slapped me. Hard. I could practically feel the blood rushing to the spot. I could feel the hand mark embedded into my face.

    "Stupid b***h. Don't you ever insult me or my family. You hear me?" He grabbed a handful of my hair and hit me again, but this time like he was getting a dog to listen when told no. I would never tell him or the other two asses how much the hair grabbing hurt. Never. He leaned back and hit the side of my head again. Then he caressed my sore cheek as if I were his lover. "Never again, my sweet." That's when I kicked his little friend.

    I spent the rest of the night in the cellar practically bleeding to death. My lips was cut and my eyes were swollen. My arms were even more sore than before and my crotch hurt like Hell froze over. I was sweating and was lying down beside the table. I wonder if they'll let me have clean clothes since my other ones are covered in blood, sweat, tears and something else I know I'd rather not know.