• ((HALLO! :] This is soo gonna be sooo DRAMATICAL! :]))

    After school, I rushed home, I cant believe what happened.
    I dashed to my room, not saying much and grabbed my diary.

    Dear diary, April 20, '09
    OMG! Tiana kissed Kota!? Grr! This is mean! I hate her. How dare she! Grr! I mean. ER- I- I cant believe Im going crazy over a peck! Why? Maybe because-

    I stopped myself. Do I? No way. My phone buzzed. I looked at the phone. It said, "THe Manning company" What? I answered. "Hello Miss Ashford?" Miss Ashford?! Who's she?! "Uhm, Who's she?" I asked. "Uh," They stuttered, then hung up. "Weird."

    Its 12a.m! im awake?! Im crazy. (=.= Yus. You are.)
    I was writing. (^^ You are always writing! ^^)

    Dear diary,
    I have no clue who these people are...The longroads? My name is Mikayla? Mikayla Longroad? How? No one isnt telling me crap! im mad! (Aw!) Why wont she tell me? just-
    I stopped. "I need to go to school.."

    The next morning,
    I woke up late.
    "Mikayla! Wake up honey!"
    I grunted.
    "Its 8:05!"
    I shot, wide eyes. "Oh no!" I jumped around getting ready.

    -30 minutes later-
    "I have to skip writing today.." I tried so hard to ignore.
    Hold on! ^^--->
    If I haven't told ya, Im in 11th grade. I'm a high schooler!! Yayz! (*Rolls eyes*) I truly hate it. Dealing with Kota, Dakota, and Drama esp. Tiana.
    I ran down and ran to school. (Isnt it far?!) While I'm running, I totally remember something/ A glimpse. Anyway. I had a dream las night.
    It was about me and Kota.
    -Dream (He-he! I cant wait! ^.^) PAUSE! -Something change!
    "Hey Mikayla.." Kota said in a cool, ice voice.
    "Hey Kota." i breathe. (In? Out?)
    "Okay. Why did you invited me here?" i asked.
    "Cause, I know we knew each other for a few months. I kinda like you." These words took my heart.
    Before you knew it, I was standing by the main doors. I put my hood and listened to my iPod. I put things in my locker. I took my sweet, sweet time. I didn't feel like going to math. Kota, sits in front of me. So, I walked to the library, hiding my iPod. "Sure." Mrs.Honeybottom said sweetly.

    ((My hands hurt..Write more tomorrow..(: ))