• Prologue

    It was night the stars hidden by the light pollution given off by the city. Late night workers with grave shifts took amusement by watching the clock or opting to do daring things like playing with the brooms from the shelves, and be off in their fantasy world whilst someone did a commentary over the intercom.
    No one, except for the occasional druggie, came during those mini hours of the morning, and one would wonder why stores such of those would be open all hours.

    Amidst the slightly empty streets--with the dim street lamps that would flicker on and off at times--and the occasional car that would go by, there was no respectable people out. Well of course they wouldn't be out late at night, they were after all respectable people, ones with jobs that earn them a sufficient amount of money that kept a roof over their heads and food on the table. The ones that were out on the streets were mainly in the downtown area of the city and were up and moving humans that had darkness in their hearts. Looking for a little bit of pleasure in any shapes or forms.

    And they weren't necessarily poor in money either some were rich with a job that kept money in (but they were shady and already corrupted) or they were poor doing the jobs and getting paid from the rich.

    Bright lights of neon red, blue, yellow all blended in with nameless faces already gay on drink and drugs and pleasure. The atmosphere was warm and influential among the people of the night. They ignored the ones who looked mysterious knowing that it was best not to mix with them and opted to enjoy themselves with the pleasure of drink and human flesh.

    Prostitutes stood by their shops, wearing thin and skin-showing cloths while in groups sending glances to the men or women passing by them who they saw as potential customers. Their motto was 'We'll take what we can get'. A man came to one of the groups eying a rather sensual looking woman who smiled invitingly with her full lips and tilting her head to the side. No use in being picky-- she thought letting herself be taken by the rather obtuse balding old man.

    Drunken idiots stumbled out of bars singing songs that came out all jumbled because that were laughing too much. You could feel the loud pulsing of music at clubs whenever someone left high or drunk opening the doors and letting the music out.

    All in all it was only the peak of night for them, crime happened and was dealt with by organizations or crime lords. The night is only beginning for them.

    After all this was the Underworld the place were evil ruled with an iron grip.

    Kathy Woods walked along the streets of the Red Light district head held high ignoring the looks and leers aimed at her as she passed by. The snow crunched underneath her boots and her footprints were already walked and trampled on by the people around her. She pulled on her scarf and avoided the inviting shops filled with warmth, she had a purpose, a mission to finish. She turned a corner entering an ally way. She brought her hand to her nose making a disgusted face toward the garbage smell.

    She hurried her pace wanting to get out of the Rats territory as soon as possible. She sensed someone watching her making the hairs on her neck stand and she shivered, only stopping when she got to a wooden door with a dark aura, if it was anyone else besides her they would've been done for long before they would be able to make it into the heart of the Rats territory. She knocked three times and the metal door in the middle slid open revealing a yellow beady eye looking down at her with suspicion.

    “State your business.” it was a male with a slimy tone of voice. Kathy frowned looking straight in his eye “Its one of importance meant to be heard for your boss's ears alone.” He made a sound at the back of his throat and closed the metal door. There was the sounds of numerous locks on the other side and the wooden door was opened showing a tall lanky male with a leer on his face.

    “Follow me. The boss has been waiting for your arrival as soon as you entered our territory.” Kathy frowned so his boss knew she was coming as soon as she crossed over to the district how troubling but she followed him anyway keeping her guard up.

    “Boss.” the man called out rapping on the door twice before letting himself in. Kathy started surprised, the boss was younger than what she imagined and she grudgingly admitted to herself that he was handsomer than the other Rats she had seen. She analyzed him taking notes storing them for later and looking for any weaknesses.

    The man from before left shutting the door behind him with a loud thud. He turned around from the fireplace facing her and smiled, a wine glass in his hand. Kathy blinked, remembering her mission and turned serious. “Archie Bespin, correct?” she asked knowing she was correct but needed something to break the ice.

    Archie looked amusingly at her and tilted his head “And you might be...?” he trailed off waiting for her to introduce herself. “Not important,” she said rather sharply “I have a very important message from Lady Medusa.” Archie stood up straight interest peaked “And what might that be?” Kathy closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath--

    “Their slumber is no more.”