• "Jeanne, Jeanne." somebody cried out, or was it just her guilt? It couldn't have possibly been another being, Aansa had killed everyone in her previous life.
    "Jeanne, Jeanne!" the person cried out again, the person was Sei-Ann, Jeanne d'Aansa's best friend... What? Jeanne paused. Why did she feel like something was amiss? And somehow she felt like she was no Jeanne, but an Aansa... Oh, whatever. Aansa was just her last name- JEanne of Aansa. Aansa was also her mother's maiden name... Ah, whatever. But seriously, something felt like this life was new although she had lived it for the past thirteen years.

    Jeanne went to her friend Sei-Ann to hug her, and Sei-Ann disappeared into thin air as soon as Jeanne touched her. And then she reappeared right behind her. Of course, Sei-Ann loved to transport and confuse people, but when had she gotten this good?

    And hadn't Jeanne died with all the others two years ago?

    Oh, what junk. Of course Jeanne had not died. How could a plain ordinary thirteen year old died when she was eleven with ALL OTHERS for no reason? Ha! What trash talk! Yes, what trashtalk.

    "Jeanne d'Aansa, lassy, look at me!" muttered a tomboy with short black hair, practically in contrast with Jeanne's silver-grey. It was Tika, being called by the others as Tiko. Tiko's red eyes were mesmerizing to Jeanne. It was a wonderful thing to see, how the red glowed and then dimmed and then glowed again. It glow green in the dark, but it was bright as the sun then, so it was dim as the moon without light to support it.