• A young woman sleeps in a hospital bed. Sleeping for two years. Dreaming. Alone in her dreams. Feeling nothing but despair and emptiness. The whole world empty except for her. In her deep sleep. Her dreams taking aways her soul. Stealing it to another world. A young man waits. Unaware of her slumber. Waiting. Hoping. Feeling just as empty and alone in a world filled with people. He has not forgotten her. In the two years of her sleep, his memories have only grown stronger. He loves her more than anything. And she loves him. Her thoughts of him the only thing keeping her alive in her desolate mirror world. The tower stretches above, reaching for the heavens. Rising above everything. Always far and unreachable, but always there. A reminder. A tower shared by both worlds. A girl staring at the tower, all alone. A boy, surrounded by people, staring at the tower, all alone. Their hearts shared in both worlds. Their hope keeping them both alive. Knowing that one day, they will be united once again. United as the tower falls. United as their hearts meet.