• I sit in the trees looking down at Harry and Cho .

    Harry turns to Cho and says " I'm not mad at you. I know it was because of that potion. "

    " But everyone else is "

    " IF you tell them the truth they will understand. "

    " No one will understand "

    " I did "

    " Yes but you are a very kind and understanding person "

    " Ya so are the rest of the D.A. "

    " Not as understanding as you "

    " YEs they are, What do I have to do to make you believe you ? "

    " ummm ... " Cho takes a minute to think " Kiss me "

    So Harry leans in and snogs CHO CHANG !! Again even after she turned the D.A, in. He forgives her just like that and they become friends again. That's how it happened I'm not even kidding. He forgave her just like that. Dumb eh ?

    And that's not the only stupid thing he even did. I've got more stories to share . (( TO BE CONTINUED ))