• Three Years Later...

    Shionna knelt in front of an angel statue. The angel held a sword in her right hand and her wings were protecting a child who lay at her feet. This statue was erected in her adopted mother's honor. A lot had changed for Shionna in the three years since Ignacio Rivera was killed.

    Firstly, a new president and new congressmen came into power. They decided to throw out the law that told people that demons could be killed without punishment. They changed it to create a nationwide registry to keep a tab on all demons. All demons were told to report to the state capital of the state in which they lived. Shionna went and registered herself and her two-year-old daughter named Atsume Ember Mason. Since Shionna and her daughter were allowed to do human things, such as shopping, driving, eating out, and getting married. Atsume Ember was permitted to attend public school, but Shionna was going to home school her daughter to protect her from torment by human classmates.

    Secondly, Shionna and Derrick were secretly married shortly after Ignacio's demise. Once the registry was made and she had registered, they were remarried, and it was no longer a secret marriage.

    Lastly, Shionna had joined the new Demon Hunters group. Demon Hunters were not given as much power as they had previously; they were not allowed to kill randomly. They were only allowed to kill demons that were not registered or were violent. Infant demons were not allowed to be touched, and female demons could be limited to one per group. Shionna was the only known demon on the Demon Hunter Elite Squad. The "Elites" were the only group who would travel from state-to-state fighting demon rogues.

    "Mama!" Atsume Ember called to Shionna, pulling her from her thoughts.

    Shionna stood, turned and caught her daughter as she rushed to her. She caught eyes with Derrick and held them.

    "Mama! I got you a flower to give to Grandma!" Atsume Ember said, brightly.

    "Why don't you give it Grandma yourself," Shionna smiled.

    "Okay!" Atsume Ember knelt, placing the flower in front of the statue.

    Derrick walked up to his wife of three years and embraced her from the side. "I love you," he whispered.

    "I love you too," she said, smiling and leaning into the embrace. For the first time in her life, Shionna McCane-Mason was at peace, accepted, and loved...