Lazy Archer
Yo, I was talking to a friend of mine the other day, and he was getting real excited about some rumor about 'Shadow Children'. He even had a picture, which was kinda freaky lookingLinky.
Despite not totaly being convinced, I'm still not completely ready to call BS. Anyone else hear anything about these things?
I'm calling BS, thing looks 'shopped. Creepy s**t if it's real though. I'll keep an eye out for pics.
Edit: Either my news station is ******** stupid or something weird is happening check what's on the news.
Oh dear. Why do you guys always get like this? Old Bigfoot footage looks more realistic then that. This is either a really elaborate hoax, or some funny movie promotional like they did with the X-Men.
It does look odd. Most likely a hoax.
Yeah, now that I think about it, it does seems kinda stupid.
As for CNN? When was the last time I took the news seriously? Probably before I saw what Fox9 had to say about 4-chan and 'Anonymous', who's apparently a group of terrorist hackers who blow up cars in dramatizations.
CNN's really into this s**t though.
Wait, what? They have specimens in captivity? When the hell'd that happen?
Wait a sec, gotta let my Dad back in. He forgot his key.
Glowy eyes and everything! I am so digging out my baseball bat and the wooden sword I got at Kawaii Kon last year. I'm not sure what these things are, but I saw fingers, and if one gets into the house, I am going to beat the snot out of it.
This is all a load of bull, the first picture is obviously shopped. The damn 'Shadow Child' looks ******** CGI, not only that the people in the pic are standing in ******** kiddy pools. I ain't believe'n s**t.
Dude, I f@#$ing saw one.
Now that I think about it though, pulling out my bat in case one got in the builing is kinda extreme. Seriously, the building's locked up tight now, and you can't get in without a key. And who'd let one of these things into the house anyways?
Yeah right, whatever. Well, night y'all, I gotta hit the hay, got school in the morning.
tehy klled cbnmyg cats.v I just wd ent too let my cat in. aNd I foun it there dead. hey kiled my ******** cat. I saw one.
Okay now I going to get my Shotgun out this is too much.
They killed my cats. I just went to let my cat in, and I found it there dead. They kiled my ******** cat. I saw one.
Was this what you meant to say?
One the one hand, I'm happy I'm not crazy, and these things are out there. On the other, I'm sorry about your cat. What was it's name?
But, it looks like getting out that bat was justified though.
Chill out, guys. It was probably just a bobcat or something. No reason to get excited. We see 'em come around a lot around my college. Just lock up and don't let small pets out for a while, they aren't a real threat.
Trust me, you'll feel safer with a bokken or somthing of these than a gun.
And, btw, why do you have a Shotgun.
Why not it is bloody useful.
I would like to someone mess with me with it out.
Well, I'm not denying it's intimidation factor. But, where did you pick up a Shotgun?
I live in the South. They give out these things like free candy.
Fair enough.
i live in the city
Hmm, that is weird. Still, it could be anything. Just 'cause some strange stuffs been going on doesn't mean that we're being attacked by 'shadow children'.
True but still I'd keep something to hit things with just in case ya know?
Heh, that's why I've got my bokken with me .
You need a permit to get a gun though. Bokken can be bought at a variety of places without one. Hell, I've seen Shotguns in gardening stores.
Suiren’s got a point though. Hey Raijin, did you actually see this thing go after your cat?
Barely. Had a head like a Jack O' Jantern
It sounds creepy.
Wait a sec, head like Jack O'lantern as in glowed, or as in had jagged teeth?
Both are freaky, but the second one is creepier.
Bit of both.
Oh, goody.
Anyone besides me and Raijin seen these things? I couldn't tell you much about how it looked because, well, it was dark and the thing's black. Eye's glowed though, which is probably what made it so creepy. And it wasn't the way cat eye's reflect light and seem to glow, but actual yellow glowing eyes I could see from ten feet away in the dark.
Head like a jack-o-lantern? Man, that kinda stuff only happens in really cheesy anime.
.....but from how the dog's acting up, I'm gonna bring him inside and get my crowbar. Just in case.
Suiren 520
Bit of both.
Raijin, did it look anything like this- (Link)
Because I've seen at least three of these in the past half hour.
Yes. They need to die.
Don't try anything, man. Just stay inside. I've called my folks and told 'em not to go out of the house today and that I'm locking myself in for a bit. The local news is going wild with these.... things and there's been at least one attack.
So chill and stay safe.
I think I saw one of those things chase one of the stray cats in my neighborhood.
What floor do you live on?
I'm on the 14th, I have no ******** clue how they got up here, but there is a ton of them. I keep hearing them tapping on the glass, or hearing something crawling outside. I think I've got to get out of here soon, but I don't want to risk the stairs(elevator is broken).
I have no clue what to do, any advice because I'm seriously scared of being alone by myself.
Get weapons and run and if you can't escape get your back to a wall.
I'm going to go for it, wish me luck, I'm taking my labtop, the charger, my bokken, some protein bars and a butcher knife in case that something gets too close, god i wish I had a gun now. I'll try and get in contact with you guys when I get a connection.
Stay safe guys, you're the only people i have contact with.
End Day 1
The End: Day 1
This story was born from one of the RPs on a thread I frequent. The threads basic premise is "What if the Heartless came to the real world?" The RP was sucessful so I decided to use the idea in a story. So I ran with it using the screen names of some of my friends on another website. I still have some work to do on it, like formating, but I hope you enjoy it.
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