• In the conference room, not far from the living area, Greed, Jovich and the others gathered around a metallic table placed under a single light. “Alright. We all know why we’re here. Let’s get down to business.” He tapped on the table and a keypad appeared on the surface. He’s fingers glided over the numbers and a minute later a hologram of a building rose from the table. “This is a basic overview of Doveless’s compound.” He pointed to an area near the back of the model. “The heirs are supposedly being kept in this wing, most likely as close to Doveless’s private quarters as possible. Two guards are always stationed outside the doors. There’s a door leading straight to that hall on the side of the building. The only problem is, it’s behind not only the Tower but also the Barracks. Which is were Jovich and Evidence come in.” He looked across the table at Jovich and the girl to his left. “You two are on explosives. I want a distraction but nothing that will harm Civis or us, understood Evidence.” “Yes, Commander.” Said the blonde. “Good. Kain, you’re on crowd control. Make sure there are no Civies in blasting range and take out any straggling PREPS. Hailey. You and I will be taking out as many PREPS as possible. This is quick and easy. No clean up, in and out. Our job is to cause enough of a problem so Dimitri can sneak in and out virtually undetected.” “Are we entitled to blow up a few PREP facilities….with possibly a few PREPS inside?” asked Evidence. “Yes. As long as none of our own are in the cross-fire. “replied Greed. “Our pleasure.” she said with a smile. “So are we all clear?” “Clear” they all said together.

    In the captured heirs’ room, the two heirs comforted each other. “Marie. What are we going to do? Father and mother are dead, brother as well and Lord Doveless still presses you to surrender. What are we going to do?” asked the younger sister. “I always get us out of these kinds of messes, now don’t I? Just sleep for now Selene. You need your rest. I’ll think of a way out of this….somehow.” replied Marie. Selene laid her head down in her sister’s lap, while Marie stroked her long blue hair. “I only hope I can get us out of this. I’ve denied Doveless as many times as I can. Once more and he will take Selene from me, I promised Father I would protect her with my life. WHY FATHER WHY!?! Why did you have to let that b*****d into our home?! Why did you trust him?! Brave Father…..Sweet Mother…..Dear Brother. I will not let you down. I will avenge your wrongful deaths. I will protect Selene and I will free our people. I swear it.” She silently cried herself to sleep.