• “Stupid,” I muttered to myself as I ran down the dark path with the moonlight as my only source of guidance. I could have at least thanked her for saving my useless life back there but I couldn’t. Slowing down I tried to catch my breath drawing out an uneven breath after the other. My knees went weak; collapsing again I laid down on my back staring at the starlit sky as I lay flat on my back. I heaved my breath in and out more slowly as I mopped a hand over my face. I looked up again to the night sky; it was beautiful, simply breathtaking. The velvet sky studded with stars and the moon on its perfect circle. Nothing but the sound of the lapping waves and the murmuring winds could be heard and it was almost surrealistically serene. It was the perfect stillness and at that moment I prefer to stay that way for a moment if only I weren't so cold and shivering I won't force my aching muscles to bring me home.

    Standing there for a moment I bid goodbye to the scenery before turning back and continuing my trek home. The garden gates lay open, just the way I left it a while ago. Seems like no one noticed that I slipped out that way which was the more convenient for me, it must be 11PM now more or less and I wouldn’t want to have unnecessary attention in the dead of night. Besides, I’m not in the mood for a confrontation with my parents, if they would ever want to actually scold me that is. I cursed my luck after I realized that I forgot my key on my desk a little while and realized that if someone locked the back door I would be given two options, either I knock or stay out all night. But with those two options I would rather stay out all night because there would be no way I’m going to knock and wake everybody.

    I breathed in and tried to turn the knob, with a sigh it eased open. Well that was to be expected I guess, nobody must have checked the back door because no one would go this way, or so they thought. It's so dark inside the kitchen and I couldn’t see a thing as I first stepped in. I counted to ten before my vision adjusted to the darkness and tried to somehow fumble for the light switch and turn it on. Surprised, I was momentarily stunned to find someone sitting on the stool by the counter. My sister stared at me critically as if summing me up from the dim light.

    I guess her eyes are not that good with at night as she stood up and walked over towards where I stood. When she was near enough she gasped as she touched the damp shirt I was wearing, I shrugged realizing I must look like a wreck to her. "What happened to you?" she frowned as she scrutinized and scanned for apparent damage I guess. "Well, where have you been? You weren't at the party so I assumed you have gone outside but do you realize what time it is. Look at you, you’re wet all over and you look like a mess."

    "Sorry," I muttered in reply as I sighed and shook my head.

    "Mom and Dad were waiting for you. They already..."

    "Please," I said with a slight tone of impatience as I waved her false claim. "You don't need to lie for them. I don't need their attention and for that matter their concern, goodnight," I cut her out not wanting to hear what she has to say anymore as I went upstairs to my room.

    "Don't say that. Mom and Dad loves you Charles. Don’t think they don’t care, they really do," she said from behind the slightly ajar door, after that the door gently clicked close and I heard soft shuffling footsteps walking away. ‘She can never be a good lawyer mainly because she can't make a lie believable,’ I thought as I looked out the open window and let the breeze play its calming effect with its gentle touch. I know deep inside there is a part of me that wished she was right. I brushed the thought away impatiently as I turned and closed the window. I know her concern for me was genuine but I can also see that she thinks I'm up to something. I saw it in her eyes. ‘She worries too much’ I said to myself after drying my hair and changing into my pajamas.

    I can't sleep. I guess it's only normal not to be able to sleep after you almost died, but then again, what would it be like to die and your existence would be in mere memory of a few people? I blankly stared up the ceiling and wondered if there would be people who would mourn for me, I only knew a few. I sighed at the depressing thought and turned to my side and looked at the closed window remembering the girl that saved me. What was her name again? Linda? Oh yeah, Lindsy. I haven't thanked her formally. I guess I was not myself. If I see her again I'll make sure next time to be able to thank her. When I was drowning I thought it was an angel that held my hand turns out that my angel is a beautiful girl. I slightly shook my head as I wondered on my own line of thought but smiled nonetheless.

    I laid on the bed for a moment or two trying to absorb the turn of events for that night. Even though the idea of moving here was not mine I guess I could try to make life here. I could start making friends again and try to stop feeling sorry for myself. No use being depressed for the rest of my time here, that could actually take forever. But then again who am I kidding. Who would like to make friends with me? After how I acted a while ago they might be thinking that I was such a snob or something. Even she must have thought I was ungrateful.

    I'll never fit anywhere. I'll always be alone here with no one. I berate myself for being stupid most of the time though if I would be given a chance I would make things right. I'm not ungrateful really. I'm just not used to being center of attention. Not used to being cared about.

    So many thoughts spun around my mind and at last I drifted to sleep. But I didn't sleep that heavily. An angel reached out to me again and I couldn't see its face but he feeling was so familiar. The light almost blinded me as I hear a voice saying 'Don't be afraid'. I know it was a dream.