• The taxi pulled up to the old iron gate. “Here you are

    Miss. I hope you have a good time at USP” said the driver

    to the girl, who was looking out the window. The man got

    out of the car, walked to the other side, and opened the

    door. The girl stepped out and the wind picked up, blowing

    her long almost black hair in her face.

    “Thank you.” She smiled as she handed him some money.

    “You’re welcome; it was nice doing business with you.”

    He waved and got back into the car. The girl picked up her

    luggage and started dragging it towards the gate. Mom I’m

    here. She thought to herself as soon as her hand hit the

    button on the massive supporting wall. At the top of the

    gate were many crows, black as the night and still as

    statues. All of a sudden the gate swung inward, the crows

    jumped off the old iron and started their noisy screaming.

    She gulped as she took a step forward through the gate, the

    wind urging her to go back, but she couldn’t leave because

    the taxi was gone.

    The front doors were surrounded by a large courtyard,

    inside the gate it wasn’t so dreary looking, the sun

    finally came out. The gardens were all green and full of

    many different colored flowers that were in full bloom. The

    girl opened the doors and walked in.

    The marble floors glistened as the rays of lit hit.

    Marble pillars stretched up to reach the twenty foot high

    ceiling, a staircase wound upward to the second level.

    Classrooms lined the insides of the overhangs.

    The girl pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket. It

    read “Mrs. Meimi Tatsuka, on your arrival please report to

    the office. Directions: From the front entrance go down

    hallway A, then when you reach the statue of a falcon the

    office will be on your right.”

    Down the left hall, was a silver statue of a falcon

    with its wings open and shooting straight up, and to the

    right was a door. Meimi opened it.

    A desk in the corner of the room was occupied by a

    lady with glasses, typing away at her computer. In the

    middle of the desk was a plaque that read “Secretary”.

    “Excuse me.” She said as she walked into the room.

    The lady looked up. “The bell hasn’t rung yet, you

    should be in class.”

    “I came to get the schedule, you see I’m new.”

    “Oh, so you’re the new student.” She took off her

    glasses and started to clean them. “I’ll go tell the

    principal you’ve arrived.”

    “Thank you.” She tried to smile. The secretary was

    quite intimidating with her cold eyes and scraggly red

    hair. The woman stood up and went into a small hallway,

    Meimi tried to calm herself down. A bell sounded, footsteps

    and voices started to echo through the halls.

    The woman reappeared. “The principal won’t be able to

    see you at the moment, so here’s your schedule and I’ll

    have one of our school police take you to your room.” She

    pressed a button on the wall. Someone knocked on the door.

    “Come in.” The door opened and a young man walked in.

    “Please show this young lady to her room.” He motioned

    to her, and Meimi followed.

    He was tall and had black, shaggy hair, it was shiny

    and smooth looking. His uniform consisted of a black blazer

    with a silver falcon crest, a white shirt, and black

    trousers. Meimi tried to keep up with him, but she stumbled


    One second she was falling back, and the next she was

    caught in his arms, his kind, purple eyes looked as if he

    had seen the entire universe and kept it with him. Meimi

    blushed as he asked “Are you alright?” she nodded. “What’s

    your name?”

    “It’s...” suddenly there was a loud screaming down the


    “Ahhh, it’s Prince Ryuu!” screamed some girls.

    “Prince Ryuu, over here!” others screamed, and then it


    “Hey who’s that in Prince Ryuu’s arms?”

    “I’ve never seen her before.” Their mumbling and

    whispers echoed through the halls. Ryuu pulled Meimi back

    to her feet and started walking.

    He would wave to a few girls now and then, or throw

    them a beautiful smile. It was just enough to make them go

    running to their friends to gossip. Meimi felt all the cold

    stares on her; they followed her all the way down the halls

    of people.

    “We’re here, I’m not allowed in the girls hall, so

    you’ll have to go alone. It’s on the right, I’ll be here to

    take you to class, so just drop off your suitcase.”

    Meimi walked down the hallway, wishing he could come

    with her all the while. Numbers labeled the rooms; odds on

    the left and evens on the right. She looked down on the

    schedule “Let’s see my room is on the right, ummm room

    126.” She turned the corner and looked up “120, 122, 124,

    ah here it is!” Meimi pulled the key, which was given to

    her by the secretary, out from her pocket and slipped it

    through the key hole.

    The room was fairly large. There was a queen size bed,

    covered with cream colored sheets, and a creamy, white

    wardrobe. But the two most noticeable things were the

    window and the desk in the corner.

    The window overlooked an expanse of trees, which

    stretched out until it met a lake. The sun was setting

    behind the mountain. The desk was also a creamy white; it

    sat next to the window on the left. Like any other desk it

    had drawers with plenty of room for storage. One of the

    drawers was only big enough to hold stationary packs. It

    even had a place for a fountain pen and an ink well.

    Meimi walked over to it, and placed her hand on the

    cool wood. On the side, a series of spirals, leaves, and

    vines created an intricate design that curved and twisted

    its way to the bottom of the desk. Her finger tried to

    trace the design, but got lost.

    Meimi placed her suitcase on the desk, left the room

    and locked it. He was still waiting for her when she got


    “I’m sorry if I took too long” she bowed politely

    “Don’t worry, I don’t mind. At least you found your

    room. Do you like it?”

    “I love it. It’s very quaint, and it almost seems

    heavenly with all the white.” She smiled.

    “I’m glad it’s to your liking.” He said as he smiled.

    They walked down the hallway. Meimi’s heart was

    beating fast; she looked out of the corner of her eye so

    that she could see his eyes. Suddenly he stopped, and Meimi

    stumbled, he turned to her and asked “May I see your

    schedule?” she nodded and pulled out the piece of paper

    from her pocket. “Gym first period, well we’re in third

    period right now, so you will be going to…” he skimmed the

    page. “Agriculture. That’s in room 501, that’s one of the

    smallest classes in the school.” He looked at her for a

    moment, and then started walking again.

    “This school is huge.” Meimi stated trying to start up

    a conversation.

    “You don’t know the half of it.” He mumbled darkly, as

    his eyes narrowed. This intrigued Meimi, but she kept

    quiet, because there was something dark that surrounded her


    After a few minutes of walking they stopped in front

    of a door. Ryuu handed her back her schedule and opened the

    door. The classroom was average in size, its windows were

    clear and they overlooked the greenhouses. There were

    twelve black top tables, each one containing a sink, but

    there were only five students and a teacher occupying the

    room. Everyone in the room looked at her, or maybe they

    were looking at her handsome guide, their faces were


    Meimi swallowed as she took a step forward, her guide

    closed the door behind her as he backed away and left. The

    teacher changed his blank expression to a smile. “Are you

    Meimi?” she nodded to him. He took off his glasses and

    walked over, his tiny pony tail bounced. He held out his

    hand to greet her, she took it. “It’s nice to meet you.

    Come stand here so I can introduce you to the class.” He

    said as he brought her over to the left side of his desk.

    “Everyone, this is Meimi Tatsuka, she just transferred

    here from Ganji High.”

    Meimi stuttered at first “Pl…pleased to meet you, I’m in

    your care.”

    “Well, let’s sit you next to Sue, she’s the one with

    the strawberry blond hair.” He smiled as he nudged her into

    the isle between the desks. Meimi walked to her seat

    keeping her head slightly bowed to show respect.

    The class went by quickly, maybe because she wanted to

    see her guide again, or maybe because she liked listening

    to the teacher ramble on. After 90 minutes in agriculture,

    Meimi stumbled out of the classroom; Ryuu was waiting for


    “How was it?” he asked.

    “It was fun.” She smiled. He smiled back and gestured

    for the schedule. He looked it over, turned and began

    walking with Meimi following. She tried to keep from

    staring at him, which was quite difficult.

    As they walked, they passed a hallway that was very

    different. It was made entirely of black, there was no

    light. Meimi shivered as she looked down its throat of


    “What is that hallway?” she asked Ryuu as she tugged

    at his uniform sleeve.

    He turned and looked at the hallway, his eyes becoming

    distant. “A place you don’t want to go.” He looked at her.

    “Come, we’re going to your World History Class.”

    “Oh, great World History.” She murmured sarcastically.

    He smiled and titled his head slightly, Meimi blushed

    bright red. No wonder the girls love him. His smile is so

    dazzling, and he looks like a puppy when he tilts his head.

    She giggled to herself. They continued walking to her


    “Here’s your last period class. I’ll take you on a

    tour afterwards.” He said as he opened the door. The

    teacher slammed the open book closed in his hand. Meimi

    gasped when he turned to the door, his glasses glinting in

    the light.

    It was the same teacher as in the Agriculture class. Meimi

    walked in slowly and looked at the students.

    “Meimi Tatsuka, welcome again into my class.” Smiled

    the blond haired teacher.

    “Sensei, do you teach two classes?” she asked.

    “Yes. Now, let me introduce you to this class.” Meimi

    turned and faced the other students. “This is Meimi


    “Nice to meet you Meimi!” shouted the class

    “Nice to meet you all.” She smiled and bowed politely.

    This class is much livelier than the last class.

    “Now, now, I’m sure you all have a lot of questions

    for Meimi, but save them for after class.” Smiled the

    teacher. “Meimi please take a seat next to Yuei.” He

    pointed to a brown haired boy who had his head on the desk.

    “Yuei, sit up this instant!” Yuei jolted up and the class


    Meimi walked over to her seat and sat down. She turned

    to Yuei and whispered, “I’m Meimi, nice to meet you Yuei.”

    “Nice to meet you as well.” He said as he held out his


    “Ahem!” interrupted the teacher. “I would like to

    start class, and Yuei keep your head up!” Yuei bolted back

    up again. “Now, today we will be learning about the

    dynasties of ancient Egypt. Can anyone tell me where Egypt

    is located?” A girl raised her hand. “Yes Mizuzu.”

    “Egypt is at the North end of Africa.”

    “Maybe I should’ve been more specific, I meant

    longitude and latitude.”

    “Oh, I don’t know that.” She looked down at her desk

    and murmured. “Who would?”

    The class went by quickly, and Meimi was positive it

    was because she wanted to see Ryuu.

    The bell rang and everyone stood up to leave.

    “No homework tonight!” shouted the teacher over the

    chattering students.

    “Hey Meimi, wait up!” shouted Yuei. Meimi stopped

    at the door. “Do you want me to show you around?”

    “Actually, Ryuu is taking me on a tour, would you like

    to come?”

    Yuei looked down. “Oh, I forgot about him.” He

    kicked the ground.

    “Meimi?” Came a familiar voice. Meimi turned towards

    the door, her heart pounded in expectancy. “You ready to

    go?” It was Ryuu. Yuei stepped back with a slight fear in

    his hazel eyes. Ryuu was much taller than Yuei, who was

    only an inch taller than Meimi. Sweat was starting to form

    on his brow.

    “Yuei, what’s wrong?” Meimi asked with a worried tone.

    “Nothing, I have to go.” He mumbled.

    I hope he’s okay. She thought to herself.

    “Meimi, what would you like to see first?” Ryuu held

    out a piece of paper with a list of places in the school.

    “Um, let me see. Greenhouse, Gymnasium, Dining Hall,

    Ballroom, Pool…” she paused why don’t you pick?”

    “Alright, first we’ll go to the Gymnasium, next the

    Pool, then the Ballroom, then the Cafeteria, and finally

    the Greenhouses. Sound good?”

    “Yes, I can’t wait to see them all!” her voice echoed

    down the halls. She blushed with embarrassment. “Sorry,

    that was way too loud.” Meimi bowed.

    “It’s alright.” He said as he gave his dazzling smile.

    I’m going to melt if I don’t stop looking at him.

    “Shall we go then?” Ryuu turned his back and started


    “Ah, I’m coming.” Meimi said as she caught up with


    Ryuu showed her all the rooms, and now they were going

    to the greenhouse. Meimi thought of the Ballroom, in all

    its grandeur, as they walked. The Ballroom was a gigantic

    room; it had stairs that flowed down to the dance floor

    with railings made of gold. The floor and the stairs were

    made of marble, and marble pillars sloped to the ceiling.

    It looked just like the front entrance, except much

    brighter with it facing towards the South.

    The Ballroom had nine windows, all reaching as high as

    the ceiling, and as wide as sixteen people lined up. The

    only thing that separated the ballroom and the entrance was

    the crystal chandelier that glinted in the sunlight.

    “Here are the greenhouses.” He gestured with his hand.

    All of the greenhouses were large dome-shaped buildings.

    They had crystal clear glass walls, and you could see some

    plants that had climbed their way up to be the closest to

    the sun.

    “These greenhouses look amazing!” She spun around like

    a ballerina.

    They went into one of the greenhouses.

    “The plants here are kept alive year round. That’s why

    they’re so big.” He walked over to a large aloe plant.

    “This one’s been here for over ten years.” He placed his

    hand on one of its broad leaves.

    He looks like he’s enjoying being here.

    “Meimi?” He turned to her.

    “Yes?!” She tensed with excitement.

    “Why did you come to this school?” His face was


    Meimi looked down as sorrow filled her heart. “My

    mother,” she looked up at him. “died a month ago. In her

    will she said she wanted me to attend this school. You see

    my mom met my father here, so I guess she wanted me to

    understand her better.”

    “I’m sorry.” He said.

    She shook her head. “No, don’t worry about it.”

    They stood there in silence. Then suddenly there was a

    beeping noise. Ryuu’s hand went to the inside of his black

    blazer, he pulled out a beeper and looked at its screen.

    “I have to leave you now.” He placed a foot forward

    and bowed. “Can you find your way to the Dining Hall?” He

    walked to the exit.

    “I think so.”

    Ryuu stopped when he reached the door. “Welcome to

    USP.” He said and left.