• I was walking down the hall not paying attention. Someone talking about a fight but I tuned it out. I heard your name and my head shot up. They were tired of your s**t, gonna make you shut up. I saw that as they laughed they pulled out a gun. I didn't even think, I just followed them.

    I saw you down the hall chilling with your friends I wanted to scream a warning but I knew it wouldn't help. They stopped in front of you and said they were tired of you saying s**t and being a fake. I noticed they didn't get too close, probably too scared to go near you. You'd kick their a** if they were in your reach.

    I saw you give that grin and I knew, you wanted to fight even if they were wrong. But then they lifted the gun and pointed it at your head. Your grin went away and several people screamed. A teacher was called but I knew it was no good.

    Next thing I know I'm in motion not knowing where I'm going. I managed to step in front of you right as the gun went off. Then I fell to the ground and the world went black.

    I came to with the ground moving below me and lights flashing by over my head. I hear voices but I can't seem to move. I see a face but I don't know them they try to tell me something but the blackness steals me back.

    I wake up once more laying in a bed that's not mine. The room is completely white and it smells too clean. I know I'm in a hospital. Then a nurse comes over in Tweety scrubs and tells me I have a visitor if I'm ready. I nod my head still unsure of what happened.

    You walk in the room with a worried look in your eyes. 'What happened?' I ask. You give a grim smile, 'You took the bullet for me. Doctor says if it hit me I would've died on impact. You saved my life. why did you do it?' I laugh weakly, 'Every damn day you save my life. Not from a bullet, but from myself.'