• Chapter 11
    Zack stumbled to the ground.He had been running from something and he wasn't sure what.He looked behind him.Whatever it was had disappeared.He looked in front of him.There was a small little pond.He looked at himself.He didn't look the same.Not at all his skin was like a ghost and his hair had lost all color.He sammed his fist into the water and then it appeared.The thing that had chased him stood before him.It threw it head back and laughed.Zack trembled.He tried to stand,but he couldn't.He began to cry.The thing taunted him and waslked around him over and over again whispering "don't cry it's only you."Zack's whole body was shaking and tears were falling quickly.Zack let out a scream and then the thing began to multiply.Then five taunted him.Zack gained the strength to run towards the river again.
    When Zack got to the river he through himself on the ground.He looked at the sky.The moonlight glowed amost on him.He was lsoing it or was it?Sabrina?He asked as a figure in a white dress appeared.Her hair was long,and her skin was pearl white,but when she smiled Zack thought he was dying.Her eyes went blood red and her lips became a dark red and her fangs came out.She lunged forward with her long teeth bared.NOO!Zack yelled as he dodged her.
    I laid in my room.I had woken up and Zack was all I could think about.I wonder what Dylan is doing.Sleeping of course I reliazed.It was late and I was probably the only person up.I wanted to see Avril see her life,but should I?I remember how Zack had given up on me when I ahd spoken of her.I almost died because of my mistake.Liz could have easily killed me.I closed my eyes.I wanted to apologize so badly to Zack.Tears began to stream down my face.He probably hates me.I cried to myself.
    Zack and the girl fougt until he tripped and hit his head.Blood began to stream and he tried to get up,but he couldn't."Don't let me die,please,I have to apologize."He said and he fell asleep.The girl cocked back her head and laughed over and over filling the cruel night with harsh evil laughter,while blood streamed into the river.
    Sabrina?Dylan asked nugding me awake.I looked at him.His sweet innocent eyes always made my heart jump.Yes?I whispered still caught in his eyes."Time to get up if you feel like it."He answered gently.I smiled.Then I hopped out of bed and grabbed some clothes and went to change.