• Sora lay wide awake in his bed, thinking of what happened in the previous days. This combo of heartless and nobody came… took his heart… and… that’s all he can remember. The rest was just a dark, black blur. He looked down at his chest, there was a smallest imprint of a heartless symbol. Riku, Kairi, Donald, Goofy and the king had rescued him, and now he is having some rest before they figure out what that thing actually did to Sora. “I don’t seem different, I’m still Sora.” he thought. “Maybe what that thing did was a joke? Just an illusion?” All of this thinking of what has happened was the cause of his insomnia. He turned over, pulled up the duvet and closed his eyes. The moon was just rising outside, and its eerie pale light shone through Sora’s window. “Ugghhh……” He felt strange, like an animal had just awoken in his mind and it wanted to be free. The moon was in the shape of a heart, so it was happening again, the darkness that the creature put into place was taking effect. He rang a bell that went all the was to Riku’s house, where everyone else was, which was a warning the darkness had come.

    Riku went down to everyone, and told them Sora was in trouble. They all raced to his house, hoping to reach him in time, but Sora knew that they were not going to make it to him, for every step they took the darkness grew by three. He tried to yell for help, but the darkness had muzzled him. He had no voice now, he could only snarl and growl like a dog. The darkness was too strong. He fell out of bed and clutched his head in agony. He curled up and twitched as the darkness closed in. Darkness was all around him, it was seeping into his skin, and attaching itself onto every part of his body, turning his skin, hair, clothes pitch black. His eyes were becoming fuzzy with a yellow light. Everyone was coming up the stairs to him. He couldn’t let them see him like this. How would they react? He looked and felt just like darkness now. Would they attack him? What would they do to him? What CAN they do to him? He had to act quickly, they were almost at his door! He looked out the window, and instantly, leaped through it, on all fours, just as everyone burst into the room, but all they saw a little bit of remaining darkness, disappearing into the floor. “It’s happened.” said Riku. “The darkness had taken over.”

    Sora was running as fast as his legs could carry him. He was considerably faster on four legs, but nonetheless he still had to get as far away from the others as possible. He didn’t even know what attacks he could do yet, so all he could do was run, Run. And survive. He was darkness now, and the beings of light were after him. He ran towards the shoreline, towards the islet. He couldn’t swim in his state, but, he had an idea. He took several steps back, ran as fast as he could, and made one giant leap at full force on all fours towards the islet. He didn’t realise how fast he was going. The others looked up and just saw a quick shadow race across the light of the moon. “Sora…”

    Sora felt like he was flying. He landed quite gracefully on the beach, and then fell on his back, trying to catch his breath. He was stunned at himself. I went that far in a single jump? The islet that Sora and his friends used to play on was considerably out to sea. Sora wondered what else he of his strengths have been multiplied…. but he knew he couldn’t stay there for long, for he was positive that Riku and the others saw him dart across to the islet. He tried to stand up, but it was no use, it was like an animal trying to stand up like a human. So he ran, on his paw-like hands, jumped up, into the treetops. He was safe. He could take a proper break.

    When Riku and the others reached the islet, they saw no sign of any life. “What would he look like? I mean, since he’s covered in darkness?” asked the King. “Last time I saw him…. He look like himself, only completely black, claws and glowing yellow eyes.” answered Riku. He had seen this Shadow Sora once before, when he had his heart ripped out of his chest before him. “Well, lets start looking then? We need to find him, the darkness might of changed him.” said Donald. “Changed?” Sora thought. “My mind is still in tact, nothing has changed, well, except my look.” Riku came right near him, so he lent back, to get out of the moon light, and out of sight. The light of the moon had started to cause a bit of pain. He had to run, otherwise Riku would find him for sure.

    He dashed up towards another tree, and then turned a corner, out of sight. Riku saw the black figure darting around. Could it have been Sora? “Hey guys! He went this way! Come on!” everyone headed towards Sora, who was running out of space and time. He was huddled in a top corner, trying to stay up there, but he knew he was going to be caught. “Wait.” he thought. “If they were going to attack me, then I have a reason to use this darkness, to attack them. If they are going to try and hurt me, I need to protect myself.” he searched his brain for some kind of attack, anything that he could fight with. He realised. Instinct. Heartless rely on instinct to survive, so he had to use it too. At that moment, Riku looked up, straight towards Sora. Riku flinched as his eyes met Sora’s glowing yellow eyes. “…There he is.” Riku pointed straight towards Sora, Kairi gasped, her hand clutched around her mouth. Sora, who at this time, snarled, which was indicating that he wanted them to go away. “Sora… Is that really you?” Kairi voice sounded shaky, like she was afraid he was going to jump on her at any moment and kill her. “Donald and Goofy just stared at him, thinking “What has happened to our friend?”

    Then, the king yelled out; “Come on, we need to catch him! Before he gets away!” Sora frowned and snarled more ferociously at them. He knew it. They were going to attack him. Kairi looked at Sora, fear had filled her eyes; “What have they done to him?“ He flew towards the ground, as they all kept a close eye on him. Riku stepped forward, reaching his hand out to Sora. Sora seemed surprised. He thought he would run right at him and attack. But he didn’t. And no one is even stopping him. Sora inched closer towards his hand, checking that he wasn’t holding anything behind his back. “Its okay, come on Sora, we won’t hurt you.” he said it in the calm, soothing voice that Sora remembered. He inched closer and held out his, well, claw, to Riku.

    “NOW!” Riku yelled. Sora gasped as a giant net surrounded him, trapping him, with everyone except Kairi holding him down. He roared and swiped at the net, but it did nothing. His instinct was telling him that he had to escape, to go anyplace but here. So with that, his claws glowed a purple black, as he clawed at the net again, this time hitting Donald on the side of his beak. The force of the swipe had flung him backwards, leaving a small gap to where he can escape from. “Uh-Oh, Donald!” yelled Goofy. Donald got up and looked angry. “YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING HEARTLESS!” he screamed at the top of his voice. Sora stared at him, “Heartless? That stupid duck!” He was enraged with Donald, and couldn’t seem to control it. He snarled at Donald, who jumped back at his anger, and started to attack again and again to get to the opening, clawing at everyone in the process. He was almost there, but then Kairi came and held the opening down. He stared into he eyes, which was still filled with fear, and was now also filled with tears. “Sora……please……please stop this……” Sora stopped thrashing and just looked at her. His rage inside seemed to have disappeared, just as it had came, it had gone. “I made Kairi cry… how could I have done that?” He felt disgusted with himself. He had hurt his friends, and almost hurt Kairi. Sora looked down and backed away, and just sat there as everyone stared at him, as though he was a puppy that had just gotten told off for running mud through the house. “…Come on, we need to tie him up.” said Riku. So Sora just sat there quietly as they tied him up, and brought him to the gummi ship.

    “What are we going to do now? It seems he has lost his senses, he’s just like a wild beast now.” The king said. “He attacked me! He attacked everyone! He’s dangerous!” yelled Donald, who was massaging his claw mark on his beak. “We need to reverse this! He can‘t live in darkness forever.” said Goofy, “And we need to remember, he is still Sora, no matter what, and we have to help him!” “That’s right, remember when he saw me he just stopped? That means he remembers who I am, and he made a promise a while back to never hurt me.” said Kairi. “Well, we’ll take him to Leon, maybe he knows what to do.” said Riku. everyone agreed, and went to a room in the gummi ship. “Aren’t you coming, Donald?” Asked Goofy. “In a sec!” he replied. Sora was laying behind them the entire time, just listening. He heard Donald’s footsteps edge closer towards him. He lent down and said “I’m sorry I called you a heartless, you’re not, you’re Sora.” Sora turned his head towards Donald, and smiled. He was happy that Donald didn’t think he was a monster. Donald smiled back and whispered; “I know there’s light in that darkness.”

    The being had visited him in his dreams. He didn’t know what to expect. What happens in the minds of darkness? What do they dream of? All he could see was himself cloaked in darkness, fighting all his friends, hurting some and killing others. “Ugghhh… no… no!” He wanted to stop himself, but he couldn’t, his body didn’t even flinch, it was like he was being controlled by darkness. He just kept on attacking and attacking, nothing was going to stop him. Then he saw Kairi. “Yes!” He thought, “She’ll help me calm down.” But she didn’t. He lunged towards her, one of his claws and put it around her neck. “Sora….” she was choking, and he couldn’t stop. “No!” He put his entire being into stoping himself, but a voice just laughed at him. “Don’t even try to stop me, your weak little bit of light can’t save her.” “Who… who are you?” Sora asked. “Sora……I am you.” it answered. He couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t the darkness attacking them, he was. His other claw reached back, and lunged straight into Kairi. All he heard were splashes of blood and a high-pitched scream. “NO!” Then, he hears a familiar voice. “Sora! Sora! Wake up!” It was Riku. He opened him eyes, panting, cold droplets of sweat were dripping down his face. “What was that? He was just thrashing about in his sleep, like he was afraid or something.” pondered the king. “I don’t know, but it couldn’t of been good.” said Riku. Sora looked up, everyone was all right, even Kairi. Sora had calmed down. It was just a dream, thank god. He turned around and went back to sleep, this time untroubled by the evil dreams that haunt him.

    When he awoke, he saw other faces staring at him, he recognised them. It was Leon, Yuffie, Aerith, Cid and Merlin staring down at him. “Great.” he thought. “More people staring at me.” he closed his eyes and pretended that he went back to sleep.

    “Well, he’s definitely covered in darkness now, of that I’m sure.” said Merlin. “How did he end up like this?” asked Cid. He had the same shakiness that Kairi had in her voice. “This thing…. Just came out of a heart shaped moon… and, lunged into his chest…. And…. Took his heart.” said Riku. “What?!?” everyone screamed. His heart had been stolen? “Yeah…. We rescued him, he was chained up on a heart shaped wall…. Unconscious…. Darkness all around him…. And the smallest mark of a heartless on his chest.” “So,” Sora thought, “That’s what happened that day.” “This is extremely serious, whatever took his heart replaced it with a very powerful force of darkness, maybe even Sora can’t control it in some cases.” “That must of happened when I yelled at him and called him a heartless….” said Donald, “He went completely mental and attacked anything he saw. But I told him last night that I didn’t believe he was one.” “Really? So that’s what you were doing last night.” said Goofy, “You were apologizing to Sora.” “And he seemed to understand what I was saying too, so I don’t think that he is completely swallowed by darkness.” Sora was very happy that he had told them that. He was confirming that he isn’t a monster out to kill them all. “Well, we should wake him up soon, to see if he remembers us.” Yuffie suggested. “But….” said Aerith, “We should wait until nightfall, since I think the light of day might cause him pain.” “Yeah, I guess that’s true.” Sora was okay with that, he didn’t mind waiting.

    “Oh No…” another nightmare had flowed into his mind. This time he was strapped to a table, unable to move. “He is ready Merlin.” he heard Leon say. “Good.” Leon and Merlin came over to him. He noticed that he was an a surgery room. Sora pulled and tugged at the straps, but they only tightened. “The specimen is showing signs of aggression, it seems he is conscious of what’s happening.” “Specimen? Why would Merlin call me that?” Sora was starting to panic. What were they going to do to him? “He’s ready for dissection.” Leon finalized. “WHAT?!?!” When Sora heard this, something in the back of his mind completely snapped. The instinct of a heartless was back, wanting to destroy. He thrashed about, his claws glowing, he sliced the thick leather straps cleanly in half. “The specimen is loose!” Merlin yelled. Sora snarled. He was very angry. He lunged onto Merlin, his claw raised, and punctured Merlin’s arm, as he cried for Leon’s help. Sora turned straight for Leon. He was next. He ran towards Leon, as he raised his gun blade. He forced himself at him, claws spread out, and smashed through Leon’s puny little weapon, grabbed his torso, twisted, and pulled. “AGGGHHHH!!!!” Leon yelled in pain. He dropped to the ground. Sora roared to the sky, but then he realised what he had done. He looked at Merlin who was barely alive. And Leon….. The wounds where he had tore his flesh, were massive, he knew, Leon was dead. He roared again, and banged the side of the wall, leaving crack marks. Is this what he was going to do to his friends? Is this what they think of him? Just a science experiment? An animal? He didn’t know.

    “Sora? Sora? Wake up!” He didn’t want to open his eyes. He had killed two of his friends, how could he look everyone else in the eye? “Sora! Sora, please! You’re dreaming!” No he wasn’t, this was real, he could see the blood dripping from his claws, the sobs of agony from the barely alive Merlin. It was not a dream. “Sora! Come on Sora!” “Wait,” he thought. “This voice… it’s Leon’s voice!” he looked at Leon, he saw him lying there, bleeding, there was no sign of life. But he just spoke, was it real? “He reacted to your voice, Leon! Talk to him again!” he heard the King yell. “Sora! We’re all here! Come on, wake up! You‘re dreaming! It‘s all a dream!”

    His nightmare was over, but he didn’t open his eyes. If everyone was staring at him, he didn’t want them to see his glowing yellow eyes. “Sora….” he heard Kairi whisper. “It’s over, it was just a nightmare.” “But…..” he thought. “Did you hear that? It was Sora‘s voice!” said Goofy. “He can’t speak, but he can think!” said Riku. “It seemed so real….” Sora continued. “Everything, the pain, the blood, Ugghhh…” “It’s okay, nothing like that happened, we are all fine, you were attacking the air in your sleep, what did you dream about?” Sora told them about the two dreams he had, the first, where he wasn’t in control of his body, and the second, where he was a test subject. “It seems the darkness that surrounds him is causing these nightmares.” said Aerith. “He’s okay now, we can go back to sleep.” said Donald. “But…” Kairi started to speak, but Sora interrupted her. “Go, I’m fine.” Kairi turned towards him and nodded. Everyone went to bed and fell sleep, but Sora stayed awake. “I cant stay in the realm of light, I don’t belong here.” he thought, “What if I had attacked them in my sleep? And hurt them?” With that in his mind, he quietly got up, opened the door, and fled into the darkness, while Kairi watched, and sobbed.

    He was running, running away from his friends. Unfortunately, they are light, he is darkness. A being taken over by darkness doesn’t deserve to stay in the place he once was a part of. Then he stopped, and turned around. Five of those things were headed to Merlins house, where everyone was. Even though he was darkness, he couldn’t let the remaining beings of light fall prey to it as well. “HEY!” he yelled. They all turned around and came after him. Everyone heard it and looked out the window. They saw Sora and the things. “Sora!” Goofy was about to go down and help him, but Riku stopped him. “Let see what he can do.”

    The first one came towards him, he ran, as quick as darkness would let him, behind it, and pushed his claw into its body, and it disappeared. Four more to go. He turned around and snarled. Two more came after him, he took one, rose up into the air, spun around and with momentum, threw it down, into the other one, as they stumbled over themselves, Sora came down, he had his claw ready, and pierced them. They both disappeared. Sora turned to the last two, with anger in his eyes. The two sensed the anger, looked at each other and ran. Everyone saw this fight, which was over very quickly, they ran out to where Sora was, but he was gone.

    “SORA!” everyone yelled out, but he did not answer. Sora ran, and found a dark alleyway, which was probably the best place for him right now, he sat down and looked at the moon. Where ever his friends were, he was glad he wasn’t there to cause them pain. “Well, well, what do we have here? Why if it isn‘t Anti-Sora?” Sora turned and faced the voice. “Anti-Sora?” “hehe, yes, that is your new name.” “I better tell you my name, its ’X’. I guess it‘s more polite to know another monster‘s name huh?” “Why you little…” He was getting angry with it. “hahaha! the dark part of you, the angry part of you, why don’t I…. unleash it?” X struck Sora’s entire body with darkness. He roared in pain, because this was his nightmare coming true. He was losing control of his own body. Riku heard the roar, who was looking for him. He ran towards the alley, and saw them both, the thing pumping darkness into Sora, and Sora desperately trying to hang on to humanity.

    “Sora…. NO!” But he was too late, Sora was now fully eclipsed by darkness. “Well, does that feel better now Anti-Sora? I bet it does.” Riku was speechless. Sora’s dream of killing them all may come true. “A…Anti-Sora?” “That IS his name after all. He‘s darkness, so I guess he is ANTI light, isn’t he?” “Shut up.” The thing went over to Sora, who’s entire top body was just hanging down, with no life. “Don’t you touch him!” he tried to move, but it was like he was paralysed. The darkness was so strong that he couldn’t move. “Well, I’ll leave it to you, Anti-Sora, go and destroy your dearest friend.” It had its arm around Sora, like they were both on the same side, “Enjoy.“ and with that, it disappeared.

    “Sora… are you alright?” Riku asked. And then he noticed…. The heartless symbol had grown to full size on Sora‘s chest. “No…” Suddenly, Sora moved towards him, his claws reached out and clasped around Riku’s neck. He dangled him up in the air, against the wall. “Sora……” he could hardly breathe. Every time he breathed out, Anti-Sora’s grip got tighter. “No…… please…… Sora……” Sora reached back his arm, ready to slash Riku across the face with his claws. He snarled. It looks like he is really trying to kill Riku. “S……SORA!!!!!!!!”

    Just as Sora was going to finish it, he stopped, his raised arm was shaking, like he was stopping himself. The grip around Riku’s neck was loosening, but Sora didn’t drop him. “Sora…. Come on! Your not a monster! You saved me from thinking that way! Don’t you think that way now! Please Sora, let go!” It seemed that Sora couldn’t hear him. He had to fight this battle all on his own.

    Sora opens his eyes, he sees everyone looking at him. He groaned again, and looks at himself. His hands, still darkness. But what happened? The only thing he remembers is being in the alleyway and meeting the thing… it called itself ‘X’ …. he remembers yelling at the darkness to go away, and that’s it. The rest was a total blur. Next thing he knew he was here, still with darkness on him. “Sora…. Do you remember anything?” asked Leon. Sora shook his head. “Well, we better fill you in then.”

    Sora couldn’t believe his ears. His worst fear had come true. He attacked one of his friends. He just stared at the ground in disgust. He was a monster. “Sora…. remember, you did stop when I called out your name.” He looked up at Riku. “It seems whenever you get really angry or X pours darkness into you, you can’t control yourself for long, but there are times like when Kairi asked you to stop like before, and me calling out to you, you snap out of it.” “That still didn’t give me the right to attack you.” Sora thought. “I really am a monster.” “No you are not.” said Aerith. Sora didn’t look at her. He thought it was nice that she said that, but it was just to shield him from the truth. Losing his heart, and X has made him into a monster, nothing more. “I don’t think just telling him that will make him think that, he really believes he can’t control himself.” said Leon.

    “Sora…” said Kairi. She came over to him, but he didn’t look at her either. She took his hand and placed something in it. He looked at it. It was the good luck charm that she had given him in his last adventure. “It seems you may still need it.” Sora was grateful, but put it back in her hand. “I don’t deserve something as precious as that.” “No, come on, you have it.” She tried to put it in his hand once more, but he kept it tightly shut. “I told you, I don’t deserve it.” Kairi frowned. “He really does think he’s a monster.” Kairi looked away from him. “If you believe your just an animal, them maybe you’re right.” Sora was surprised and angry with her. She thought he was a monster, and tried to tell him otherwise, she lied to him. He couldn’t lose it here, not with all his friends around him. Kairi stared at him. “You DON’T deserve this.” He was fighting with his anger to stay in control. If she kept talking like this she was going to be in trouble. Everyone couldn’t believe how Kairi was talking to him. Did she not hear when Sora gets angry he loses it? “Why don’t you just leave then? If you think you’re a monster the monsters don’t deserve to be in a house.” “Kairi…” Cid whispered. “What? Why are you whispering? Just because he is here Sora slammed his clenched fist into the wall, leaving a huge crack in the wall. Everyone was stunned at Sora‘s immense strength. “Kairi…… please, don’t anger him, didn’t you just hear what I just said?” said Riku. He was scared that Sora wouldn’t be able to take Kairi’s insults for much longer. “I heard perfectly, he’s getting angry isn’t he?” “Yes, just shut up, please.” “No. Heartless need to be put in their place.” The something in the back of his mind was cracking, he was on the edge of his patience. He was shaking slightly, his anger was getting the better of him.

    “KAIRI!” Riku yelled, “Please!“ everyone was dumbfounded. They could all see that Sora was barely keeping control of himself. “…………………….” Kairi didn’t talk. Sora turned his head to her, his face boiling with rage. “See Sora? You didn’t attack me, you can control yourself, you are not a monster!” Everyone looked at her. It was just a test to see if Sora could contain himself? “Kairi….. That was very dangerous, Sora’s still on the edge of attacking you, I don’t think that rage will be going anytime soon.” said Riku. “He’s okay… I think.” Kairi went over to Sora. Who had his eyes shut, and his head down. “Sora?”

    To Be Continued....