• Chapter 1: Misery

    Isabell was ready to go to bed. She didn't want to go to the market. She wanted Julius to go to the market. She wanted to sleep in.

    But at least she was given an extra piece of gold to get herself a treat.

    Isabell left for the market. It was a short distance, and she had a wagon. She bought the food her family needed, and had three gold, six silver left over. She found a merchant's shop and there was a beautiful bell dress for a cheap price. Isabell bought it instantly, and put it on over her peasant's robe.

    She started for her cottage home when she noticed smoke in the air. She thought it was probably her father with a campfire to roast potatoes, so she hurried home to help set up. She LOVED roasted potatoes.

    When she arrived she was horrified at what she saw: Crooks burning down the cottage she called home and killing her parents. They decided to keep Julius as a slave and ran off with him, not even noticing Isabell.

    The cottage burned down quickly. Isabell cried. And cried. And sobbed. And whimpered. The tears would not stop forming in her sweet green eyes. Her wavy black hair blew in the breeze. She had no family or friends, no one to turn to, no shoulder to cry on. Just a wagon of food and her new bell dress.

    She had to start her new life or else it would be over. Isabell went over to the charred remains of what was her home and tried to find her belongings in the charcoal piles. All she found was her star stone, given to her by her mother when she was seven. Now, being eleven, she decided to stay there with her dead parents. She wanted to survive to make her family proud.