• Chapter one
    Hi, Jalena

    The sun shines down on her golden hair. Her blue eyes shine as if they we’re Sapphires. I wish I was like that. So does everyone. Pretty and not creepy like people say I am. My name is Jalena. I have super long black hair and pale skin like I do, tends to scare people. No one ever talks to me. I look like a vampire. I wish I could talk to everyone, like Hunter does.
    I walk into the Classroom, everyone turned they’re head to look at me. I didn’t need to look at them to know that, I can feel them watching my every move. As I walk to my desk I feel something hit me in the back of my head.
    “I hit Jalena, I hit Jalena!” One of my classmates screamed out. I didn’t turn around to see who it was. I bent over to pick up the crumpled piece of paper. I went to my desk, listening to every mummer. ‘It’s coming. AH!’ Another said ‘Take cover’, as the dove under the desks. Front row, a couple desks away from the center, is where I sit. I take out my sketch book, and noticed pen marks on the paper that hit me. I opened it up to see that it was like a death note. You had one blonde girl and one red head boy stand as so girl was lying there dead. I take that it was me on the ground. Over the figure said ‘the witch.’ under them said ‘is dead.’ Placed it on the end of the desk and opened my sketch book and started to draw. Like most mornings I really don’t know what I’m drawing, but I’d figure it out sooner or later.
    The swung opened and in came Hunter. Hunter was the guy that would talk to anyone, regardless of who you are, unless you’re me. He was tall and handsome. He had these green eyes that were just like crystals shining in there. His hair was brown and was at shoulder length. He was kind and gentle, but kicked butt at whatever sport he played. Sometimes I wonder why I brother to think about him. I continued to draw, whatever it was.
    Then arms wrap around me. I froze at this time. I didn’t know what do; in fact I didn’t know who it was. It was most likely some jerk coming to ruin my stuff again.
    “What you drawing?” A smooth and gentle voice asked. I jumped out of my desk as I knocked my desk over. I hear a big BOOM come from behind. I looked at the desk and my sketch book. I go and grab the desk to put it back up, but those same arms got to it first. I grabbed my sketch book and looked up.
    “H-H-H-Hunter!” I struggled to get out. He just smiled like it was no big deal.
    “Moring, sorry I scared you Jalena.” He bowed his head. I shook my head and looked at him with the biggest eyes ever. No one ever called my by real name.
    “It’s ok Hunter.” I said and sat right back down.
    “Silent, Class will be starting!” The teacher yelled and sat in his desk. I looked down while the teacher kept on talking.