• "Leeda, hurry the heck up and get down stairs" my older brother Derek yelled from downstairs.
    "Don't get your boxer's in a bunch, jeez, I'm hurrying" i yelled back.
    I got up out of bed,, ran over and put on a sweater to semi-match my sweats. I was half running down the stairs when i hit my head on top of the ceiling.
    "UGH, Goddamnit." i mumbled.
    I hated being tall, i was 18 and about six foot four. That wasn't average for a teenaged girl. i also had dark brown hair that just went to my shoulder blades and eyes as just as icicles.
    "What do you want Derek?" I asked, rubbing my head. Derek looked at me, until my parent's walked out from the kitchen. They also started looking at me.
    "Leeda, there's something we have to tell you" my dad said
    My dad was kind of tall and husky. He barely had hair and if he did it was like mine. My mom on the other had was quite short with flaming red hair, i just looked at her.
    "What?" i said so faintly that it was almost a whisper.
    "Leeda, we've adopted you about 16 years ago. Your real parent's were killed" dad said
    I basically sat down and curled my knees up so they they were under my chin
    "There's more, they weren't, well, how do you say this" dad sighed sitting on the couch beside me.
    "They were shapeshifters, Leeda." my mom said
    This day could not get any better. I sat there for a few minutes before i finally said something.
    "What does this ----------- wait, I'm a shapeshifter aren't i?" I paused, waiting for then to finish before i could say anything else.
    "Yes, Leeda, you are" Derek said.